The DGT prepares a surprise letter for thousands of drivers: they will have to pass the ITV before

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The DGT (General Directorate of Traffic) it does not usually deliver good news to drivers. To see one letter from him is synonymous with more or sanction. Or what is the same, of having to pay. Sometimes a small amount and sometimes … a little more. The point is that the offender deserves it. If you do everything right, you will not have to face the outlay of any amount. Of course, the letter that thousands of drivers will receive soon -one of the many that Traffic sends- has nothing to do with any of the previous casuistry, but with a new date to pass the ITV.

In other words – and in the simplest way possible – the DGT will send a letter soon to thousands of drivers – to notify them of a new date to pass the ITV, even when they have already passed the Technical Inspection of Vehicles.

And this, why? Well, in recent months some processes have been implemented at the ITV. For instance, the new regulation establishes that all those cars that have been declared “total loss” After suffering an accident, they will have to pass the ITV after being repaired to certify that they are in good condition. Or, in other words, that they can circulate without problems and without putting other drivers at risk.

If this car does not pass this review, it will not be able to circulate legally, which is exposed to a significant fine, according to the Ideal newspaper.

Thus, in the coming dates the DGT will notify these drivers that they will have to pass the ITV if your car has been declared a ‘total loss’, if they have repaired it and want to circulate with it again. It is the safest way for them to be safe at the wheel and for the rest of the cars that circulate on the highways and motorways to be safe as well.

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