The European Union is surprised to discover the Australia – USA – United Kingdom alliance

Total surprise within the European Union after the announcement of the security pact concluded between the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom for the Indo-Pacific region.

Reaction this Thursday from the Head of European Diplomacy, Josep Borrell: “An agreement of this nature was not cooked the day before yesterday; it takes a while. And despite that, no, we were not consulted. It forces us again, this is a good opportunity to recall it, to reflect on the need to raise the issue of the strategic autonomy of the European Union. This is further proof of the need to exist on our own “.

At the other end of the diplomatic spectrum, China has reacted too. She takes a dim view of the arrival of this alliance of military heavyweights.

Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson: “The cooperation of the United States, United Kingdom and Australia in the field of nuclear submarines seriously undermines regional peace and stability, intensifies the arms race and undermines international efforts to promote the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. This is a highly irresponsible act. “

It is exactly faced with the rapid rise of the Chinese navy in the Pacific that Australia decided to abandon conventional French submarines and turn to Anglo-American nuclear submarines.

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