More than 2,200 victims at the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015

More than 2,200 people have filed a civil suit (victims) at the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015 in France, which opened last week before the special assize court in Paris, a source learned Thursday. judicial.

The president of the Assize Court, Jean-Louis Périès, had proceeded during the first two days of hearing to appeal the civil parties.

In addition to the nearly 1,800 civil parties already formed, several hundred others came to the bar to request that their status as victims be recognized. Thursday, 2,232 people in total had filed a civil suit.

Other constitutions should still be examined on October 4, in particular the requests of the communes of Paris and Saint-Denis, of the Bataclan and of the bistro La Bellequipe, to which the public prosecutor is opposed.

The constitution of civil parties is possible until requisitions.

The attacks of November 13, 2015, the bloodiest ever in France, left 130 dead and more than 350 injured in Paris and Saint-Denis.

Twenty people suspected of being involved in varying degrees in the attacks are on trial for nine months. Fourteen defendants, including the only surviving member of the commandos Salah Abdeslam, are present. Six others, including five presumed dead, are tried in their absence.

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