After having spared it, the right criticizes the words of Eric Zemmour

For a long time, they spared it. Never daring to really say what they thought of him or openly criticize his outrageous speeches. Today the tide seems to have turned slightly within the right about the far-right polemicist Eric Zemmour. If the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes and candidate for the presidential election of 2022 Eric Ciotti, affirmed that he would choose Eric Zemmour rather than Emmanuel Macron in a hypothetical second round, all within the party Les Républicains (LR) do not share this line. The last words of the polemicist have thus made more than one jump to the right.

It was Xavier Bertrand, the president of the Hauts-de-France region and presidential candidate who sounded the strongest charge, Wednesday, September 15, on the sidelines of a speech on security in Saint-Quentin (Aisne) . Asked about Eric Zemmour, the northern elected representative described the words of the former television columnist on the children murdered by Mohammed Merah in 2012 and buried in Israel as “Monstrous”. “It’s a big divider, he judged. His words are monstrous, the history of first names [M. Zemmour veut interdire les prénoms étrangers], that says a lot … “

“Eric Zemmour does not like France”

The same day, several of them reacted to other words from the polemicist, who said to himself “Philosophically for the death penalty” opposite Jean-Jacques Bourdin on BFM-TV. “To love France is to love France, which has known how to abolish the death penalty. To want the reestablishment of this public assassination is to hate France, her great conquests, her immense progress. In reality, Eric Zemmour does not like France ”, tweeted Aurélien Pradié, deputy of Lot and secretary general of LR. Potential candidate for the presidential election on the right, Philippe Juvin, the mayor of Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine) also reacted on the social network in direct reference to the words of Mr. Zemmour: “I am philosophically opposed to the death penalty. Wherever there is barbarism, there is the death penalty. Wherever the death penalty is abolished, civilization reigns. “ This topic is “One of the many differences between the republican right and the extreme right”, commented for his part the deputy of Pas-de-Calais, Pierre-Henri Dumont. Earlier in the week, Yonne deputy Guillaume Larrivé also explained on Franceinfo that Eric Zemmour “Would worsen the French fractures instead of reconciling the nation”.

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