What do I do if I have won the 2021 Christmas Lottery? 5 tips to follow

Anyone with a tenth of a year dreams of getting the Big Christmas Lottery and fantasizes about everything he would do if he was awarded. Winning the Lottery can blind more than one and, therefore, it is essential to keep your head in place and a cool mind before making wrong decisions that can take their toll in the long run.

[Ver en directo el sorteo de la Lotería de Navidad]

With such an amount of money, the most logical thing is that the body asks to go out to celebrate it. But nevertheless, It is advisable to keep the tenth winner in good custody and consult with experts the steps to follow to collect the prize (and do not forget check your Christmas Lottery numbers conscientiously before throwing the bells to the flight).

The most important tips that you will surely receive from these professionals are the following:

  • Don’t lose your papers. It is recommended to take a breath after the news and assimilate the award. Many lottery or grand prize winners go bankrupt. Therefore, you have to keep your temper and not get carried away by compulsive shopping that in the long run can bring big problems. It is necessary that the lucky ones stop to think and become aware of the importance of managing the prize well. [Estos son los números agraciados en la Lotería de Navidad 2021]

  • Do not reveal your prize right and left: Sharing the prize among the most beloved is undoubtedly one of the greatest pleasures for Lottery winners, although it is advisable not to reveal the exact amount, to avoid misunderstandings or envy. Maintaining discretion is essential. You have to choose well the people with whom the news will be shared. It is advisable to tell only those who are absolutely trustworthy.

  • Do not rush to leave work: You should go to work and try to stay calm. It is important not to give too many clues about the amount of your prize. You must give yourself some time to reflect and think well what to do with your future after being graceful in the Christmas Giveaway.

  • Collect the prize in an entity where they do not know you: Is better than do not go to collect the Lottery prize at your nearest branch. In this way, it will be easier to preserve your anonymity and prevent the whole neighborhood from knowing that you have been the ‘Gordo’.

  • Put yourself in the hands of experts to invest your prize: Normally, many of the lucky people with such a high prize do not have experience in the world of finance, so it is necessary to have a good legal and tax advisor who manages the prize correctly and thus avoid disappointment.

Learn to manage money

And if you get a prize, what would you do with the money? 41.5% of Spaniards are clear about it: I would spend the money to pay debts and plug holes, according to a survey by a financial comparator. The number of people who would dedicate the prize to pay off debts (41.5%) has grown by 0.59% compared to 2018 data (40.9%).

The second destination, most chosen by citizens, for the lottery prize is investment in housing.

How to invest the Christmas Lottery prize

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The Christmas Lottery prizes They range from 6,000 euros for the fifth prize to 400,000 euros for the first prize (328,000 after taxes taken by the Treasury).

“The amount is the most important variable in any prize and in the Christmas lottery It is not a high amount that can be withdrawn unless you have several prize-winning tickets. The 324,000 euros of the first prize after paying taxes in 2021 will allow us to have a mattress, make an investment, buy a home, but it is difficult to withdraw. For this reason, let us think of this money as a mattress that, beyond giving ourselves a whim, helps us meet needs, such as housing or reduce our debt. The smaller the prize, the more the classic “plugging holes” is used and, on the contrary, the higher the prize, the more options to use part of it as an investment to obtain present or future income “, he explains. Antonio Gallardo, financial expert of iAhorro.com.


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