Vatican celebrates US decision to annul abortion rights at the federal level

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican Academy for Life has praised the US Supreme Court’s decision on abortion, saying it challenges the entire world to reflect on life issues.

The Vatican department also said in a statement that the defense of human life cannot be limited to individual rights because life is a matter of “wide social meaning.”

The Supreme Court of the United States took this Friday the dramatic step of annulling the historic Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973, which recognized the constitutional right of women to abortion and legalized it throughout the country.

“The fact that a great country with a long democratic tradition has changed its position on this issue also challenges the entire world,” the Academy said.

US President Joe Biden, a lifelong Catholic, condemned the ruling, calling it a “sad day” for America and calling conservatives on the court “extremes.”

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, who heads the Pontifical Academy for Life, said the court’s decision was a “powerful invitation to reflect” on the issue at a time when “Western society is losing its passion for life.”

“By choosing life, our responsibility for the future of humanity is at stake,” Paglia said.

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