Two ‘podcasts’ that are gold, by Maria Rovira

A few months ago I recommended the podcast ‘Mobile, wallet, keys’. Now I return to the load: listen to the ‘podcasts’ ‘No one will talk about us’ and ‘There are no blacks in Tibet’. You can listen to them on Spotify and iVoox, and surely on other platforms that I leave.

‘No one will talk about us’ are Lara Gil and Cristina de Tena, and talk about what it means to live being fat. ‘There are no blacks in Tibet’ are Frank T, Asaari Bibang and Lamine Thion and talk about what it means to live as black. They are different ‘podcasts’ and each one has its own style, obviously, but they have something in common. I have realized that I have rarely, if ever, heard people who are victims of ‘fatphobia’ or racism talk in the public sphere about their experiences. without being questioned, insulted, laughed at or people who have no idea about the subject come to qualify the speech. I am interested in when they agree with each other and when they don’t; when they put forward different points of view on the same subject, when they encourage and reinforce each other. A safe space for creation, meeting, enjoyment and learning. It is very interesting to hear very lucid and very first people talking about ‘fatphobia’, the supposed defense of health, ‘body neutral’ and diet culture. Or the ‘blackface’, what it meant childhood itself in an eminently white Spain or what they know about their own countries of origin; to cite just a few examples.

People who have a normative body and/or are not racialized we cannot experience the ‘fatphobia’ and/or the racism that others suffer. They are people with whom we share society, but not privileges. Deconstructing the biases that are instilled in us by series is essential to avoid reproducing violence, and the first step is to know. Y the only way to know is to shut up and listen, that fits perfectly with the ‘podcast’ format.

(A note: “racialized person” is a term that It serves to point out who receives racist violence in a specific society. Ignoring that an oppression exists does not mitigate it, on the contrary).

Related news

As a general rule, the traditional media are still very little pluralized: the fact that the ‘There are no blacks in Tibet’ has a fortnightly section in ‘SER’ (in the program ‘A vive que son dos dias’, by Javier del Pino) ​​is an exception to be celebrated. Meanwhile, on the radio fringes very interesting proposals and projects arise, and there is still a long way to go.

And if this is the situation in Spanish, in Catalan there is still more work to be done. In this way we also celebrate the birth of La Fera, which defines itself as “a digital creation factory that promotes audiovisual projects in Catalan to strengthen them and make them grow”. Now Registrations for the Embrió Program have just opened (, which is a contest for digital projects in Catalan where each winner will receive a prize of 2,000 euros and support during the 2022-2023 academic year. We wish you a lot of participation, a lot of plurality and a lot, a lot of work.

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