Trump sympathizes with detainees for the assault on the Capitol

Donald Trump on Thursday expressed his solidarity with the people prosecuted in relation to the events of January 6. The former president issued a statement before a demonstration planned for Saturday, September 18 in Washington DC, in favor of those arrested after the assault on Congress.

The context: Police prepare for Saturday’s rally, planned by a nonprofit group led by former Trump campaign staff member Matt Braynard. The goal, according to the organizer, is to peacefully demand that the charges against the non-violent protesters on January 6 be dropped.

  • Hundreds were arrested after the raid, which left more than 140 officers injured and five dead. More than 600 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the attack.
  • Braynard claimed that those protesters “reasonably believed” they had permission to enter the Capitol. About 700 people are expected to attend the call.

What do they say?: “Our hearts and minds go out to the people so unjustly persecuted in connection with the January 6 protest, over the rigged presidential election … In the end, however, justice will prevail!” Trump said in a statement .

  • Despite Trump’s claims, no evidence has emerged of the alleged widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
  • Trump has not announced plans to attend or participate in the rally.

Main source of the news: The Washington Post.

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