All Italian workers will soon have to present the health pass

The compulsory health pass in all workplaces, Italy has decided so. The measure to fight against Covid-19, rather radical, will come into force on October 15 and will apply to all public and private sector assets.

The Italian government’s decision affects 23 million people.

Roberto Speranza, Italian Minister of Health: “We are convinced that even wider use of the health pass will help us to further push the vaccination campaign (…) With this decree we will expand the network of active pharmacies, which are capable of administering doses of vaccine. and rapid antigenic tests “.

Employees who go to work without the health pass will be suspended and deprived of pay after five days, according to a first version of the bill.

In Italy almost 75% of the population is already vaccinated.

Giorgia Orlandi, correspondent in Rome: “There is still time until October 15, when the new measure is expected to be adopted. We will see by then how the anti-vax front will behave, if they decide to protest as has already happened when teachers were forced to have the health pass in schools. . But above all we will see if other European countries will decide to follow the Italian model “.

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