Tribunal ordena reviss preventive prison against Emilio Lozoya; FGR call resolution

An order appeals tribunal and a control court will review the imposition of preventive imprisonment against the director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya, by the way Odebrecht. Cabe detached that the functionary was released in the case of the fertilizer plant plant Agro Nitrogenados.

An order of the United Nations has a control over the Reclusorio Norte llevar a cabo un audiencia, misma que se celebraté este mercoles 26 de enero a las 13:00 horas, a fin de revisar la medida cautelar de preventive prison que impuso el juez federal de control José Artemio Zúñiga Mendoza en contra de Lozoya.

Fuentes dijeron que la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) appeals against the resolution of the Unitary Tribunal.

In the event that these weddings determine the change of medium, Lozoya could bring freedom in the criminal proceedings.

Last week, a United Nations tribunal released the director of the Mexican Petroleum, Emilio Lozoya Austinon the sale of the fertilizer plant plant Agro Nitrogenados.

La indagatoria de la FGR in case Odebrecht Culpa Lozoya de haber received several million dollars worth of money through the Brazilian company Odebrecht, in exchange for contracting Pemex’s contract.

También mentions that Gilda Austin de Lozoyamother of the CEO of Pemex, collected in his bank accounts for 185,000 dollars and 1 million 200,000 dollars that were used to purchase a house in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo.

Refiere que cuando Lozoya director’s cargo Pemex, in his patrimonial declaration dijo that fungia as titular is a bank account together with his mother. As well as another bank account in Germany.

Following FGR, Emilio Lozoya message to the exdirector of Odebrecht in Mexico, Luis Alberto de Meneses Weyll, and favored to obtain public works contracts. And that in 2012, when he was part of a presidential campaign, the ex-director of Pemex received a payment of 4 million dollars for Meneses Weyll, “and the day that in the case of winning tender cargo that will allow (in Odebrecht) public works contracts”.


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