They seek twinning between the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas and Guanajuato Puerto Interior

The municipalities of Lázaro Cárdenas in Michoacán and Silao in Guanajuato seek to take advantage of and promote their commercial transport vocations, therefore, they are considering making a strategic alliance, where their logistics ports are the center, announced the head of the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco) michoacana, Alfredo Anaya Orozco.

Derived from a meeting held between the authorities and the business community of the two municipalities, the secretary explained that they are betting on generating greater dynamics between the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas and Guanajuato Inland PortPrecisely, greater direct communication between these points is proposed and thus there is a reduction in time and costs, which would benefit the increase in exports.

“It is a call to join efforts, to consolidate the Michoacan port as the logistics diamond of North America, as well as the port-city binomial. The great development registered by neighboring entities such as Jalisco, Querétaro and Guanajuato must reach Michoacán”, he stated.

The state official proposed promoting the corridor project logistics services between the two ports, in order to have greater efficiency in operations and be able to attract more investments for the two points.

Lázaro Cárdenas, deepened, can help Guanajuato Inner Portbecause it is connected to more than 138 ports around the world, it has a direct connection with the main business centers of the country in Asia and America.

In this regard, the municipal president, María Itzé Camacho Zapiain, stated that Lazaro Cardenas It has great potential as a municipality and industrial port.

He pointed out that if they manage to consolidate this twinning, the population of this town would also benefit. michoacan city councilas people’s quality of life could be further improved.

“It deserves to have people with the same vision of development. There is confidence of the state governorAlfredo Ramirez Bedollaand the Secretary of Economic Development, Alfredo Anaya Orozco”, he said.

The municipal president of Silao, Carlos García Villaseñor, announced that this alliance could generate more investment projects and greater development for the two municipalities; “It is the importance of crystallizing at this time.”

At the same time, he recounted the process of industrial reconversion of Guanajuatowhich in 30 years went from having an economy focused on agriculture, livestock and shoe manufacturing, to one focused on the automotive sector.

García Villaseñor indicated that Guanajuato exports are around 24,000 million dollars, of which, “Silao generates 55% and a large part of those exports pass through this port of Lázaro Cárdenas”.


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