The T-Mobility totals 120,000 subscribers and retirees

Nadie se atreve, ni in the public sector ni in the private sector, a defend T-Mobility as an exit project. If it’s a future plan, just think about it, the six years old from the fact that debió ponerse in march, resulted in damaso pain for the Administration. The universal title of public transport, the plastic carton jump to access a car or a bus, advancing to a rhythm without stopping like a cauldron, near 120,000 high-altitude data and 95,000 validations in working days. Dice la Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM), with all the caution that imposes the errors and computer failures that are making progress. And no step will be taken if you do not have the basic conditions: “Improvement and verification “.

The T-Mobility has come to account for these months during an act in which Metropolitan Transportation of Barcelona (TMB) presents a new method to pay for the ticket on the bus. Catalan capital is the first Spanish city to be established use credit card to pay for a solo ticket. It is less than 2% of the validations, but it is a decided step made by the digitization of the system. In the presentation was logical the ask about T-Mobility. Y así ha sido. The response corrected to the charge of the Director General of the ATM, Pere Torres, as a veteran of ramo, sabía de sobra that saldría the theme. In the margin to retrieve the dates of the moment, have recorded that it can be usar en los 36 municipios, but only for the T-Usual and the T-Jove. “It’s producing a progressive display with no special issues for users,” he concluded.

Little to little

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If the hubo el pasado año. In October, however, there were many rumors that the web service had found that a security breach had occurred when it discovered about 2,000 personal data. It was launched two days ago and will not be operational until December 20th. El director of T-Mobility, Ramon Bacardí, dijo en ‘El País’ entonces que se trataba “de un error very tonto“and that data dates” eran muy basicos “. This includes a few more but ensures that an incident of this caliber is marked in a normalcy inside a test phase. After this, the Parliament approved the principles of November motion presented by the PSC that the Government should present information on the T-Mobility’s situation six months ago. Deberia will list the gates of Verona.

Asked about the progress of the inventory, Torres has the most to refer to get rid of the plan: “I believe we are implementing little by little with the trust and the tranquilidad that the project merece and that has never been tenido“. Advance, added,” while the performance and functionality of the new service are tested and verified so that users can use it with normalcy “. T-Mobility in the metropolitan area, Solo TMB (Barcelona bus and metro), 1.5 miles long miles registered on working day. The Barcelona Public Company concentrated 425 of the 718 million shared travel routes (‘sharing ‘a un lado) del área metropolitana.

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