The probable heirs to the office of AMLO, by AMLO

Yesterday, April 21, during his press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador spoke about the 2024 presidential succession, but before that he dedicated several minutes to the issue of simulation and said, among other things:

“… Porfirio Díaz was a great simulator because he created the entire simulation system, there never ceased to be elections, that is, the Constitution was respected in the form to be violated in the background. Every six months he always gave his report, the Judiciary, the Legislative power worked (…) there was talk of the sovereignty of the states, he himself said that he could not intervene in matters of the Judiciary (…) He created what of the covered (…) He created the carry. He created the so-called besamanos. He created all the simulation that was applied to imprison journalists (…) he is the creator of the regime that the Revolution could not put aside (…) So, everything was simulation ”.

Whether Díaz created “the entire simulation system” is debatable, but what is a fact is that he perfected it after many of his liberal, conservative, federalist, centralist republican and monarchist predecessors contributed to its construction.

Then, as if to demonstrate that there is no simulation in his government, he referred to the 2024 presidential election:

“That is why I am glad that there is a debate and that we already know that Claudia or Marcelo Ebrard, or the wife of Felipe Calderón, or Moreira or Quadri, Loret de Mola, Chumel (…) can replace me (…) Now, what a cover or what, Everything is fully open.”

The president mentioned some who will try to be presidential candidates in 2024, but he also mentioned people who will not even remotely try to be.

It is true that both the head of the Government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, compete to keep the Morenoist candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic. It is also likely that Margarita Zavala, the wife of former President Felipe Calderón and a deputy for the PAN, will try again to be that party’s candidate. And Gabriel Quadri, who is now a deputy for the PAN after having been the presidential candidate of the PANAL in the 2012 election (he obtained 2.25% of the votes), has already announced that he will seek the candidacy without saying which party.

But mentioning Rubén Moreira, Carlos Loret de Mola and Chumel Torres as possible replacements was either an exaggeration or a joke. The first has no chance of being the PRI candidate while the other two have no reason to sacrifice their successful careers to compete in an election they would never win.

It caught my attention that he did not refer to the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López Hernández, who is definitely one of his strong cards. And it didn’t surprise me that he didn’t mention the Morenoite senator Ricardo Monreal, because he lost confidence in him a long time ago.

Or that he did not appoint two well-regarded opposition governors: the PRI from Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat Hinojosa, with whom he has an excellent relationship, and the PAN from Yucatan, Mauricio Vila Dosal.

Now, let’s not fool ourselves: the one who will inherit AMLO’s position will be whoever Morena designates as her candidate. The opposition will not have the slightest chance of victory in 2024.

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

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Eduardo Ruiz-Healy

Journalist and producer

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Opinionist, columnist, lecturer, media trainer, 35 years of experience in the media, microentrepreneur.

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