The Government extends the restrictions without expanding the use of the covid certificate

The Government has extended 14 days plus the current measures to contain the covid in Catalonia, without extending the use of the covid certificate for the moment to more sectors, despite the increase in infections and hospitalizations.

The covid certificate is currently only required to enter nightlife venues the for banquets with dance floor on private spaces. Likewise, the Government considers the possibility of extend this certificate to other sectors, but has already indicated that it would not apply immediately.

Thus, for the moment the executive has opted for extend the measures until December 3 and will again request the endorsement of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) for the use of the COVID certificate in discos and banquets.

These are the restrictions in force in Catalonia until December 3.

Social activities

There is not limit of people in family and social gatherings and gatherings. The mask is mandatory on interiors and also outdoors in the event that there is interaction with non-cohabitants without a safety distance.

Also, the consumption of drinks and food in groups in public spaces between 1 and 6 in the morning is prohibited.


The usual ones and that are authorized for each establishment depending on its activity.


In cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, religious ceremonies or commercial establishments the capacity is 100%. Also in catering, both on the terrace and indoors, the capacity can be full and the number of diners per table is not limited either.

The sports equipment can be 100% in all cases, except pavilions with capacity for more than 10,000 people, which can be filled up to 80%.

Indoor discotheques are limited to 80% capacity, a restriction that also applies to concerts in theaters and with standing audiences. To enter these nightlife venues, users must present the covid certificate that certifies the complete vaccination schedule or a test with a negative result.

The certificate is also required to access banquets, celebrations and social events that are held in hotels and restaurants only in the event that there is dancing in an enclosed area.


Education is 100% face-to-face at all educational stages, including university.

And in schools, the prevention rules with which the course began are not modified, such as the use of a mask from the age of 6, even in the courtyard if students from different coexistence groups share space.

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It is recommended that the owners of work centers, public and private, adopt measures for the progressive reincorporation of presence in jobs and that they encourage the use of teleworking when it is possible due to the nature of the work activity.

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