The geriatric assistants by the covid buscan with personal emergency to attend the abuelos

  • Comedy helada, ancianos encamados un dia entero o dificultad para llevarlos al lavabo, algunos dagenos collaterales que denuncian los sindicatos

The new variant of coronavirus has infected the majority of Catalan geriatricians. According to data from the Generalitat, more than 70% of the residents’ residential centers are occupied by ten people. And in one of every three, the infections spread through an uncontrolled form. Thanks for the vacancy, the virus is not causing the pandemic strikes, mortality has been reduced to very significant form. In addition, the centers have protection materials. The problem, now, is the lack of staff. Especially before the huge number of badges due to the contagios and the inability of cubrirlos. “Our handsome men and professionals are heartbroken”claman the syndicates, who denounce that, al fin, who is sufasto is staff failure his the seniors.

Work in a residence in Catalonia and work with the PERIOD to maintain anonymity in order to prevent retaliation by geriatric owners. The center is classified as red, it is said that it has registered a coronavirus virus that has been controlled, in the expansion phase. This worker explains that near the center of the plant is this bay, 20 employees have been infected with coronavirus. “The problem is that there is no personal substitute,” he said.

Comida helada

The failure of the plantilla directly impacts its work. “We are overworked and working for the sake of the ratio: we are a worker for every 16 seniors”, explains A. “And it is directly impacted by the attention that recipients receive”, year. For example? “We can not leave the sink because of the time, we can do all the postal changes to the ones that are in place, and we will give the free time because we have no time to calendar toda “, cuenta. In a moment rompe to lose.” Los abuelos nos lo dicen, que la comida está helada, but it’s not our time to dársela toda, vamos corriendo … No tenemos time to be with time, hablando with ellos, porque es que si no el resto no comen “, añade. Especially in the case of the old people stand confined, lo que much more complicated to have time for comers darles as found in common counters and with all the working plant.

“We are overworked and working for the sake of ratio: we are a worker for every 16 seniors”

A day in bed

“We also know about centers that have give some algae in the bed all day long because of the time for deliveries to all“In other words, the workers of the Limpieza acaban, who are waiting for auxiliaries to be qualified for it or to supply them with the sixes of the ma’ana to read all,” added the UGT syndicate in Central Catalonia and the Vallès, Juan Carlos Delgado. quiza a day that is alive to one and to the next to others “, said another UGT delegate, Clara García.

Angustia y hartazgo

All of them signal the lack of staff in the Pero centers, above all, the anguish and suprimity of employees. “The plant is agate, moral and psychological. We live with the covid. Do you know what to do with the epi, the mampara sudando? It’s horrible. And the so-called workload of labor is inexhaustible, “explains Garcia. hay more than it is due to depression. How do you get to know the house? Is it affecting everything you see in the residence? A. vuelve a llorar. “Tengo ansiedad. Te sientes mal porque los abuelos no se merecen esto”solloza A.

The esters live inside, but also the furnace of the residence. Before the lack of staff to contract, especially for the semen of a coronavirus week, some directives from the centers provide a sobreesfuerzo to the employees. “Hay personal doblando turns, y tienen que aguantar llamadas duran su jornada de fiesta para pedirles que vengan a dar apoyo, o otros que están de baja por covid con laladas diarias si ya dan negativo los los antigenos “, apuntan fuentes de Comisiones Obreras.

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In the last few weeks, the protocols have been linked and the coronavirus stray contacts need to be kept working in the residences if there are no symptoms. In addition, the families of the geriatricians can visit the residents, although they are confined. “This is our work, because we will lose a lot of time between the attendants, the ladies and the EPI and we will thank you … No help“, insists A. Ante esta realidad, algunos familiares ponen el grito en el cielo. “We do not take the culprit, we do what we can and we will do the more we can do: the committees and the hygiene are done”, insisted Garcia. “The problem is that with so many cobwebs, and the reality that we live, the people in the sector can and will work here,” said the UGT delegate.

“There was a pandemic during the explosion and abduction of workers. Llueve about mojado and the cold of emotional cultivation is very animal. Antes del covid does not have to meet the criteria of dignity and quality. Ahora, estamos peor en el fondo “, subrayan desde Comissiones.

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