The duplicate pandemic on the planet’s residues on the planet

  • An information from the World Health Organization estimates that each day produces more than 1.6 million sanitary residues

  • The vast majority of these acacias are harvested in the ocean before they sail, signal another study

More from 1.6 million toneladas of residues to the day. This is what, since two years ago, has been generating humanity in its wake against the covid-19 pandemic. In order to prevent the expansion of the virus, to escape the contagios and treat the affected by this disease, the world has generated a cantidad hasta now unedited sanitary material desechable. Following a new briefing from the World Health Organization (WHO), the massive evacuation campaign against the coronavirus has produced about 143 tons of residues, the Manufacture of diagnostic tests ha sumado an increase of 2,600 tonal loads of plastic residues and 731,000 liters of chemical residues and the Sanitary materials in hospitals are multiplied by 10, adding to its tens of thousands of tons more “sanitary ware” in ecosystems.

The United Nations analysis, elaborated in collaboration with hospitals and all countries around the world, denounces that the pandemic has multiplied by the volume of plastic residues produced and exported by our species. And this tsunami of drought is beginning to “deepen, even more so, the ambient and climatic crisis that is taking over the planet”. For that matter, signal the inform, urge replantear “the ambient and climatic implications about access, use and manage the sanitary material “used to make front of covid-19. About everything in low-income resorts and high-income communities therefore, in many cases, the failure of infrastructure to manage acaba residues by disposing of huge amounts of waste directly in the medium term.

Oceans more contaminated by the pandemic

One of the most pre-emptive scenarios regarding the impact of the plastic generated by the pandemic that was reflected in one of the studies citing the information. Según apunta an investigation led by the University of Nanjing (China) and San Diego (United States), the current sanitary crisis has been more than a million tons of plastic waste cartridges. In its majority, products of a single use. How to 3,400 million sanitary mascarillas from a single user which, according to various studies, is recorded daily in all the world and that in the majority of the occasions is not managed correctly.

At least 25,000 tons of residues generated by the pandemic were found in the ocean

At the moment it is estimated that at least 25,000 toneladas of these sanitary ware ya han acabado vertidas en los océanos globales. A large space, specifically the final haul of this sail, it is estimated that “all plastic residue cases associated with the terminal pandemic in the marine lake or in the playgrounds “.” El covid-19 is intensifying the pressure on a problem that is under control. La pandemia podría acabar por reverse global warming which we have to reduce the contamination of plastic waste in the ocean “, said the inform, published in the finals of the past year in the prestigious PNAS scientific review.

Solutions to reduce ecological turmoil

How to catch up on the magnitude of the problem, the analysis of the World Health Organization plant a battery solutions to “minimize” the ecological hula of sanitary material designed to prevent the pandemic. Empezando, by example, by apostar by ‘products per kilometer cero ‘ (es decir, producers a national scale) and esquivar, in the medium of the possible, the imports that lie from the other point of the world. At present, it is estimated that 60% of the protection teams used throughout the globe are manufactured between the United States and China. With solo translation of the production, apunta a studio realized in Reino Unido, The carbon footprint decreases by up to 12%. Equivalent to ahroarse 15.000 toneladas de CO2 emitidos in the atmosphere.

The information is also signaled as an example to follow the multiple initiatives initiated in this last year for “reduce the use of sanitary equipment“(as the use of guantes for the general public),” develop secure and reusable alternatives “and, in general,” post on more ecological, biodegradable and recyclable materials “. the spanish project of biodegradable mascara (and with high filtration capacity) provided by the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC). “These strategies can be used significantly reduce the ecological impact of these sanitary materials “, concludes the analysis.

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