The Center for Young Parents Holds a 50% Holiday Giveaway

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The Center for Young Parents is looking to purchase a new minivan to assist transportation customers and they hope to help raise funds with a 50/50 online ticket sale.

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“We provide transportation not only to the center, but also to doctor appointments, mental health appointments, pre- and postpartum check-ups, family wellness appointments, support groups, one-on-one with our staff, and for a variety of other needs that may arise. ”Said Shauna Livesey, executive director of the Center for Young Parents.

Livesey says that through the 50/50 lottery, individuals can help support the Center for Young Parents with their goal of continuing to provide fast and safe transportation to their clients.

“They are directly supporting the young families in the Grande Prairie area, not just the young parents, but the children within those families,” Livesey said.

For the past 34 years, the Center for Young Parents has offered a number of services that help young parents through the difficult early years of parenthood, with supports such as pregnancy tests, educational support, and counseling.

“Young parents are families who have been pregnant or are pregnant, 20 years or younger, and then we work with them until their child is six years old,” Livesey said, “potentially until the person is 26.”

The center also has several programs that can be accessed from home or on site at the Lions Learning Center.

According to Livesey, the Center for Young Parents is also partnering with Bridge Network Outreach School to provide free childcare for parents who decide to return to school.

“The really great thing about our program is that we are in the same building as a high school, so we can help with free childcare for anyone who wants to continue their education,” Livesey said.

Previously, the Center for Young Parents was known in the community as Pregnant and Parenting Teens and has the capacity to serve up to 75 clients.

50/50 ticket buyers are encouraged to visit the Youth Parent Center website, and tickets will be on sale until Monday, December 13.

In addition to the 50/50 drawing, Livesey says the center also accepts cash donations or donations of goods that they can use to help young families.

“We’re always looking for diapers, formula, and the like,” said Livesey, who says if you call the center, they’ll have a wish list of necessary items.

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