TEPJF returns precise to the mandate revocation ballot the end of the AMLO mandate

For the majority of votes, the Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) responded that the National Electoral Institute (INE) amends the ballot paper of the mandate revocation consultation, in order to specify the date in which the President of the Republic’s administration will be held on 30 September 2024.

Respect for an impregnation presented by Gustavo de Hoyos Walther and a social organization with various articles of the Ley Federal de Revocación de Mandato (LFRM), Magistrate Janine Otálora Malassis proposed that the National Electoral Institute (INE) modify the ballot paper to specify -and one of the options for reply- that the term of office of the President of the Republic is 30 September 2024.

Cabe states that the proposal of the Magistrate Otálora should not modify the question, should specify in one of the options for answering the term of office of the President of the Republic. “What will happen to the Presidency of the Republic is September 30, 2024,” he wrote.

Without embargo, a majority of five magistrates (José Luis Vargas; Mónica Soto; Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón; Alfredo Fuente Barrera e Indalfer Infante) is speaking against the project of the magistrate Otálora, considering that the student Gustavo Adolfo de Hoyos Walther and the association Consejo Nacional de Litigio Estratégico Civil Association, carecen de interes legal para impugnar la LFRM.

La magistrada Janine Otálora Malassis Mantuvo el apoyo a su proyecto, por lo que vot en favoret, mientras que el magistrado Felipe de la Mata presentu un vot particular and reasoned. Finally, the plenum of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal ordered the suspension of the trial.

In the debate, the Mónica Soto magistrate argued that in decision-making, the TEPJF has denied the legal interest in social organizations to promote juices in electoral matters, by which it is necessary to review the project.

The magistrate José Luis Vargas results in ayer la Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation : However, the Otálora Magistrate’s project does not change the question, so specify the closing date of the mandate of the current head of the Federal Executive.

El Magistrate Felipe Alfredo Fuentes Barrera Gustavo Adolfo de Hoyos Walther, member of the National Council of the Litigio Estratégico Civil Association, has no legal interest in doing so, given that his political rights are not directly affected.

Cabe distaced that aunt Gustavo Adolfo de Hoyos, former president of Coparmexand the association Strategic Litigationarguing that the question and the response of the mandate revocation consultation should be presented to the promoters of Morena and the federal governor is arguably incorrectly a ratification of the current President of the Republic.

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