Telecommuting: 6 essential tools to capitalize on it to the fullest

Almost two years after a massive telecommuting experiment in the labor market as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the home office seems to evolve into a new normal in some organizations. According to a survey by the Rankmi platform, 41% of large companies in Mexico perceive the implementation of hybrid labor models as the greatest challenge in 2022.

In that sense, the telecommuting seems to establish itself as a work alternative, either in a totally remote model or in a modality that combines a few days of home office with office work.

In 2021, Oxford Economics, the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and SAP SuccessFactors, warned that only 24% of Human Resources executives in our country considered that their collaborators had the right environment to carry out remote workwhich contemplates from the skills of people to do home officeto the availability of furniture and technological tools.

Carlos Gómez, SAP SuccessFactors expert, stated that the implementation of remote work implies the adaptation of the workspace to ensure that the modality does not translate into problems for collaborators and decrease productivity.

Essential elements for teleworking

Technology is the complement for companies to capitalize on telecommuting and the modality does not translate into a loss of productivity. Various specialists agree that the tools that cannot be left out of the home office They are:

  1. video conferencing systems. Without falling into extremes, remote work implies greater communication and organization between teams and video call software is useful for this.
  2. cloud collaboration. Tools that allow information to be stored in the cloud so that it can be easily accessed and backed up are new elements that must be considered for remote work.
  3. full cybersecurity. As companies digitize their processes, computer security systems become a necessity for the home office Be effective, agile and at the same time safe.
  4. Project management applications. These systems allow you to schedule tasks, assign activities, view progress, share files and communicate without complications.
  5. efficient communication. There are also special platforms available on the market for secure and direct communication between work teams, which help maintain collaboration between people, without mailing lists that can cause confusion.
  6. Productivity Measurement. Personnel management tools are useful to monitor the productivity of people, analyze the fulfillment of objectives and collect data to make better decisions.

The teleworking legislation in Mexico It established the obligation of employers to provide the appropriate tools to carry out work activities from a space outside the workplace.

Despite this, 73% of people who meet the criteria established in the Labor legislation to be considered teleworkers has not received the tools to do home officeaccording to the World OCC Labor Thermometer.

However, beyond regulatory compliance, the generation of adequate environments to capitalize on teleworking is an issue that can benefit companies much more. According to research by Bain & Company, a model strategically aligned to the remote work it has the potential to achieve significant improvements in the productivity of 80% of the workforce.

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