9 tips for employment of people with Asperger syndrome

The labor exclusion of people with asperger’s it is a consequence of many other discriminations throughout his life. The lack of opportunities and interaction in different spaces prevents them from developing skills and experience that distances them from job opportunities, explains Sherezada Martínez, from the Inclúyeme Foundation.

The school system, for example, is not capable of develop their skills, comments the director of Labor Inclusion of the foundation in an interview. The lack of information makes many people not want to live with them and the medical approach gives families the idea of ​​total dependency, she laments.

The Asperger “It is a neurobiological condition” with which one is born, according to the Asperger Mexico civil association. “These people’s brains perceive and interpret the world and their relationships differently,” he adds.

Social relations “are his main problem.” While for most neurotypical people “relationship is usually something intuitive”, those with Asperger They have “a lot of difficulties”. Their learning is much more rational, she says.

He also points out that it is a invisible psychosocial disability. They have a hard time understanding nonverbal language, such as facial expressions and tone of voice, and most have areas of interest that they focus on intensely. “The environment can have a profound impact on your abilities to perform.”

Tips for Human Resources

There are more and more workplaces that hire people with this syndrome, says Sherezada Martínez. However, no matter how open they are to doing so, they often commit multi-stage errors of process. “It is not hiring for hiring, it is the first thing they must understand,” says the specialist.

Here are some of his tips for employment relationship be successful for the person and for the company:

1. Knowledge of the subject

Don’t start doing it alone. If they don’t know about this condition of life, they will have prejudices and will assume that many things are done in one way and it will end up being a problem. Approach specialized organizations or people is basic, he indicates.

2. Definition of jobs

Always have the positions well identified and described, what skills and competencies are required to cover them. Then, it may be that they are looking for someone with the right profile for that position or it may be that if an organization asks them if they can hire a person with Asperger’s, they know what positions they could work for.

3. No to “ghost” positions

Do not create “ghost” positions for them because you want to hire them. “When you have to make cuts in the face of any contingency, the first positions that disappear will be those. If you are going to hire someone it is because they add value to you. It’s the same with whoever has Asperger’s,” she says.

4. Do not generalize

If you know a person with Asperger’s, “you know that person, it’s not all of them. Some have hypersensitivity to aromas, others to temperatures, others to colors. They are very diverse, like all people.”

5. Smart recruiting

Recruitment processes as natural as possible. Do not ask questions like what is your life project in 10 years? Do not apply psychometric tests.

6. Simple contracts

Contracts must be easy to read. “In Include me we advise how to detail the payment or issues such as the dress code, so that they can understand it and know what they are signing.”

7. Real wages

Fair payments. “How much would you pay someone without a disability for this position? Is the same. It is not a matter of goodwill or social responsibility, but of the right to a decent job”.

8. Awareness Policy

Colleagues must be made aware of and informed about the hiring process. “The thing is that these people have no filters, understanding social norms or what should be is not their strong point”, they could well tell someone that they smell bad, but not with bad intentions.

9. Labor accompaniment

On their first day on the job they should not do their job alone. The foundation sends a labor facilitator, who will help them understand the activities, the communication strategies, not only for them, but also for their bosses and colleagues.

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