teacher’s day

Teaching is one of the noblest professions that exist. Teachers learn more from students than vice versa. He literally lives for and thanks to the students, it is a total dedication and gratitude, there is no doubt about that.

The students are the best teachers, because they are the ones who, through the generations and being a product of their time, update the educators.

It is clearly seen how each generation, based on their experiences and environment, outlines their own destiny within the limits imposed by their circumstances and time.

The way it is taught has changed significantly. The use of information technologies is part of learning. At the basic, middle and high school levels, it is particularly important to have access to information technologies in order to generate a level playing field for all children and adolescents so that they can develop their potential to the maximum of their possibilities. . Otherwise, they will be left behind for reasons beyond their control.

Face-to-face classes are taught in a different way from how they were taught a few decades ago, because material is increasingly used in the classroom, including both videos accessible to the general public that are uploaded on platforms such as YouTube and various resources that they are obtained from internet pages with access to valuable material. Who is left behind? The students of schools that do not have or have poor interconnection.

An interconnected Mexico is a Mexico that respects access to the human right to information technologies and that allows both students and teachers to be up-to-date —here is another type of update— in the different areas of knowledge. It also allows access to virtual libraries with the possibility of reading books and serious academic articles for free. In general, access to information technologies is the door to knowledge.

According to Inegi press release number 352/21 of June 22, 2021, although internet access for people over 6 years of age has increased, because it went from 71.2% to 78.3% in urban areas in 2017. % in 2020 and, in rural areas, from 39% to 50.4% in the same period, the truth is that there is still much to be done in this area, as the pandemic has shown. The consequences during the pandemic in the educational lag can be seen by the gap in connectivity. These percentages are very close to the UNESCO result in the sense that 24.84% of students in Mexico, between 7 and 17 years old, do not have internet.

It is true that the race to information technology does not end and cell phones, computers and tablets become obsolete in a short time, it is also true that electronic waste is increasing in all countries and that it generates serious damage to the environment. , however, parallel to the measures that must be taken as a public policy for the treatment of electronic waste, work must be done in all sectors so that students have effective access to information technologies and with it the possibility to generate a better future and a level playing field at all levels, particularly at the pre-university level.

Even when at the pre-university and university level, face-to-face education with the use of information technologies is important, because the presence of teachers as well as classmates is a fundamental part of the healthy development of the student, since it is It is necessary that they learn to socialize and even in some cases the school becomes their refuge, so the academic aspect plays a parallel role to the social development in the students, the truth is that at the postgraduate level, already when the person is educated and have gone through various stages of development and have various interests and obligations, online courses are an excellent option.

In addition, they already have full recognition, because what was initially mistrustful of online courses and obtaining degrees, particularly at the postgraduate level, are now fully accepted. The best universities have them within their academic offer and the degrees that are issued guarantee the knowledge of the students. Gone are the doubts as to whether online courses would discredit whoever grants them. This offer is also an alternative to keep those who are in the labor market, public and private, up to date and should continue to be promoted.

However, for some strange reason, the physical space, in which the murmur of the voices of the students is heard in the corridors in open spaces and cafeteria. Seeing them lying on the grass with books or tablets together, the smell of books in university libraries, give a feeling of freedom that is not found behind a computer teaching classes from there, not even at the postgraduate level. It will be very obsolete to say that even with the awareness of the ease of online or face-to-face classes, physical contact and feeling everything that is around universities, it is too intense and too real, how to change it for an online course . Teaching remains impregnated in the life history of teachers, it is the most beautiful thing that can exist and when it is tested, it cannot be let go.

Happy teacher’s day!

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