Taxpayer, know where there are services that will help to pay taxes

The taxes they are an obligation that many people have, not only businessmen, entrepreneurs, independent workers and salaried workers, you do it when paying services such as water, electricity, property tax, vehicle endorsements and in exchange for this, with the collection that the government makes of these payments, it provides you with citizen protection, infrastructure, social security and other benefits.

As a taxpayer there are various doubts and issues that you will need to resolve and for that there are various platforms such as the taxpayer assistance service of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the Taxpayer Defense Attorney (Prodecon), in addition to some entities such as the State of Mexico has specialized pages to help the population on these issues.

According to the Prodeconexist four types of contributions that citizens, in their different facets, must make: Social security contributions, contributions for improvements, rights and taxes.

Social security contributions, which are the employer workers that have to be made to guarantee access to health, retirement, housing, among others; improvement contributions are made to finance public works and services; those of rights are for the use and exploitation of the public domain assets of the nation as well as for services provided by the state and for this reason you must pay for the passport, certificates and other procedures, finally the payment of taxes, Tax on the Income, Value Added Tax and Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS).

For the tax issue, the SAT has a taxpayer service platform where individuals or companies can carry out various procedures, such as change of tax regime, issuance of invoices, tax returns and registration and updating of data such as the RFC and the E-signature. They can also review your history as a taxpayer, whether you owe taxes or not, what regime is convenient for you to be in, etc.

Norma Cruz, director of Fiscal Autonomy for Women, explained that, within the SAT portal, there is a catalog of microsites for various procedures, for example, billing, declarations, tax mailbox, among others.

“The catalog of microsites facilitates the work and the resolution of procedures because until a few years ago they were issues that had to be carried out in person at the SAT offices,” said the specialist.

For example, the service SAT electronic invoicing It is very efficient and allows people to carry out a procedure on their own that could cost them. “Taxpayers have the opportunity to do this work without having to pay billing providers,” he said.

For attention issues derived from inconveniences in the payment of taxes and other contributions, there is Prodecon, where people can call, write or appear in a delegation and request the service they require, which can be advice, complaints, reports related to their contributions.

Although there is the SAT for the issue of payments of certain taxes, where the procedures are unified, in the case of the issue of contributions for improvements, there are few platforms where these payments are grouped.

For example, him Mexico state, has the taxpayer services portal where people can make payments of vehicle taxes, rights, predial; In themselves, they group together in one place various taxpayer obligations that in other locations have to be paid in treasuries and/or on different platforms.

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