“State of Mexico will be affected by the decision of the SCJN”: Alfredo Del Mazo

That the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) has dismissed the constitutional controversy against the results of the 2020 Census of the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (Inegi), will cause the State of Mexico to have a budget drop of more than 4,500 each year million pesos, assured Governor Alfredo Del Mazo Maza.

During the start of the Campaign for the Collection of Christmas Trees and delivery of forest support, he explained that this drop in resources is focused on the item of shares, necessary to continue with the reactivation plan.

“Why does this affect us? because it means more than 4,500 million pesos a year in shares for the State of Mexico,” he stressed from the Ocoyoacac Forest Nursery.

The president pointed out that despite the fact that the legal remedy did not pass, work will be done directly with the Inegi to find a solution that allows the entity to receive the shares that correspond to it and thus avoid the reduction.

“We need to continue promoting and promoting that the State of Mexico be recognized for the population that it really has and that the shares that correspond to the State of Mexico be in accordance with the population,” he deepened.

Alfredo Del Mazo highlighted that the state of Mexico, being the most populous in the country with nearly 18 million inhabitants, faces many needs and more in times of pandemic, for which they will also communicate with more federal authorities to have their rights recognized. demographic reality and obtain a more favorable result.

“We are going to continue with the Inegi and looking for each one of the spaces that we have to be able to fight for this recognition of the population of the State of Mexico and the resources that correspond to the families,” he determined.


The governor explained that the National Survey of Occupation and Employment and the Population and Housing Census are variables that are taken into account for the federalized spending formulas, and from them the amounts of participations that will be given to the entities for their fiscal years.

In this vein, he stated that before the results of the INEGI Population and Housing Census 2020 were released, the country had a population of approximately 127.2 million inhabitants; however, with the new statistical exercise, 126.1 million were registered; the 1.1 million people less focused on the Mexican entity.

With this decrease in population, the distribution formulas also had to be modified, which caused the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to contemplate reducing the amount of federal participations for the State of Mexico.

Alfredo Del Mazo stressed that since the 2020 Census data became known, the state government began to seek different resources to fight for this difference, and for which a dispute appeal was filed, which was rejected last Wednesday by the SCJN.

“If the entire country dropped 1.2 million, then it doesn’t make sense that the State of Mexico has dropped by 1.1 million inhabitants, perhaps proportionally, but it doesn’t make sense that more than 90% of what the country dropped in population take it away from the State of Mexico”, deepened the president.

It should also be noted that last year a block of states led by Mexico City, Jalisco and Veracruz was created to apply the new data disclosed by the Inegi and thereby achieve a reduction in resources for the Mexican entity and that federalized spending is increased for them.


The SCJN’s decision also stands out in an environment where the state’s Fiscal Package 2022 has not been approved. For this year the budget amount is 326,497 million pesos.

Among the reasons why it has not been approved so far, it stands out that the Morena Parliamentary Group rejects the proposal of the state authority to generate a debt of 9,500 million pesos.

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