BC youth hockey player tests positive for COVID-19 after tournament outside province | The Canadian News

A member of Burnaby Winter Club’s Under-11 A1 team has tested positive for COVID-19, following a tournament outside the province last weekend.

Global News has learned that the team traveled to Strathmore, Alta. between January 6 and 10 for a tournament sanctioned by Hockey Canada.

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A father with several children enrolled in the club wonders why the team chose to travel rather than retire, after youth sports tournaments were recently suspended in BC

Global News is protecting the identity of the parents as they fear speaking out could have consequences for their children.

“What makes you think that you can go to another province and participate in a tournament when the tournaments in your own province have been cancelled?” they said.

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“There has to be some responsibility.”

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The father also told Global News that those in attendance have been asked not to post on social media and that the team has been unable to practice on the track as a precaution.

“The frustrating part is that we’re told we can’t do certain things, and these guys go out and do it. If there are going to be rules, they have to be followed.”

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In a statement, the Burnaby Winter Club said the team went with the permission of BC Hockey and the Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association.

The club said a player tested positive with a rapid test, but does not believe the player contracted COVID-19 at the tournament.

There have been no additional positive results for the team, according to the statement.

He added that he is committed to the health and safety of his athletes, members, employees and the community, but declined to comment further.

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Global News has reached out to the Pacific Coast Fans Association and BC Hockey for comment.

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