SCJN admits controversy of Presidency against INE due to revocation of mandate

The Recess Commission of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) accepted for processing the constitutional controversy filed by the Legal Counsel of the Presidency of the Republic against the agreement of the National Electoral Institute (OTHER) that suspended some activities of the revocation of the presidential mandate.

The ministers Ana Margarita Ríos Farjat and Yasmín Esquivel Mossa, who jointly chair the Recess Commission, accepted the processing of the controversy filed by the federal Executive, although they did not grant any suspension as a few days ago was granted to the Chamber of Deputies so that the INE will resume revocation of mandate.

On December 22, the same Recess Commission of the Supreme Court admitted for processing the constitutional controversy promoted by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, against the agreement of the National Electoral Institute that determined to postpone the holding of the process of revocation of mandate, and ordered to reinstate the procedure.

With the admission of this constitutional controversy, it was determined to grant the suspension requested by the Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of the Union, so that the OTHER refrain from executing the agreement by which it intended to postpone any of the activities for the organization of the revocation process of the President of the Republic’s mandate and, consequently, continue with the organization and development of all the activities of the process of Revocation of mandate until its conclusion with the approved budget of 1,503 million pesos, which constitutes an indicator of financial viability.

In that case, the Recess Commission noted what was determined in the suspension incident derived from the various constitutional controversy 209/2021, in which the investigating minister argued that it was inappropriate to grant the INE the suspension for the effect that it did not make adjustments to the its budget as provided in the Fourth Transitory Article of the Decree by which the Federal Law on Revocation of Mandate, “So that it would be a contradiction that what the INE did not obtain in said controversy 209/2021, this body decrees on its own.”

This morning, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador affirmed that it must be the Supreme court and the Electoral Court who must resolve the issue of the revocation of mandate, and not in a criminal instance, after the deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna filed a criminal complaint against the six councilors of the OTHER who voted in favor of suspending the revocation of mandate.

“I think that it should be the Court, the Judicial Power, both the Electoral Tribunal and the Judicial Power that decide, not to penalize anything.

“The Court has already ruled for the continuation of the process of revocation of mandateThat this is complied with because it is established by the Constitution, which is the law of laws, and the rest I do not consider appropriate, I even think that it serves so that the directors have more excuses and delay the process more and do not comply with their responsibility ” , raised López Obrador during his morning press conference at the National Palace.


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