Sánchez calls for an agreement on the labor reform also with employers

  • The president sees “fundamental” that employers and unions participate in the agreement

  • The leader of the Government plans to advance this Tuesday with Vice Presidents Calviño and Díaz in a final proposal

In the final stretch of the dialogue between the Government partners (PSOE and United We Can) and with the social agents, to reach an agreement for a labor reform within the month of November, the president Pedro Sanchez He stressed this Sunday that it will be “fundamental” that an agreement can be reached “with employers and unions“for the” update of the labor relations model “.

In a meeting with the media, on the sidelines of the G-20 meeting in Rome, where Sánchez was “satisfied” by the “concrete and urgent” commitments achieved at the summit, the president, internally, reflected on the importance of achieving a labor reform by consensus.

The president appealed to “the responsibility of the country of the group of social actors” for their involvement in the labour reform. Sánchez explicitly cited “businessmen and unions” on more than one occasion, during a press conference in which, in the front row, the economic vice president was sitting, Nadia Calvin, who accompanies the president in international summits such as the G-20.

“Some things that went wrong in 2012”

After the CEOE employer has crossed out on different occasions “unacceptable” the labor reform proposal in which the Third Vice President and Minister of Labor was advancing, Yolanda Diaz, Pedro Sánchez’s message, underlining the importance of employers also being part of the agreement, points in the direction of reorienting the Government’s negotiating offer to expand the perimeter of the consensus, beyond the unions.

As the president understands, the “modernization and updating of labor relations” in Spain will imply “that some of the things that were done wrong in 2012 are rebuilt”, alluding to the labor reform of the former president of the PP Mariano Rajoy. But also, according to the president, it implies “looking forward, because there is a new reality in the labor market that has to be addressed.” In one way or another, Sánchez avoided talking about “repeal”, a key word in Yolanda Díaz’s usual speech. The “fundamental” thing, he insisted again and again, will be to do it with social consensus.

Tuesday meeting

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Two days before a meeting of Sánchez himself with the First Vice President and Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, and with the Second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz, to advance on the final negotiating proposal that the Government will bring to the social dialogue table, the President He avoided being more explicit about whether the contents will be very different from what has been proposed so far by the Labor Minister, who has only attracted support from the union side. On the agenda, measures to end the temporality and precariousness of contracts, the labor relations of subcontractors, a reform of collective bargaining and the new ertes.

In the socialist part of the coalition government there is the conviction that a greater involvement of this part of the Executive in social dialogue can help to forge a broader social agreement that attracts businessmen. For the European Commission, it is very important that the reform is carried out with the agreement of both parts of the social agents. Among the commitments adopted with the European Union for the receipt of European funds includes the approval of the labor reform by Parliament before the end of the year. This calendar is compatible with the objective of adopting a social agreement within the month of November – as the Government intends – for its subsequent transfer to a decree law in December that would be submitted to the vote of the Congress of Deputies in December.


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