Riñas internas amagan process sucesorio

Occupied in recovering for the Presidency the faculties that the governor fails and quits for 35 years, the Executive calculates the possible days of tolerance between moderate and radical morainists.

We support the radicals, with allied powers in Palacio and do not want to put a line on his agenda, although he has been able to preach to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The process of the presidential succession requires a lot of consensus, for which the official party, without exception and without reason, responds to the candidacy of the presidential candidate.

The presidential succession demands a response from all the official party to whoever the 24-year-old presidential candidacy takes place, but if he does not resume the internal war, he will disorganize and organize the process and have it at the mercy of the Republic.

Habano de la paz entre Bucareli y la IP?

Aseguran the opportunities to meet with sources in Palacio Nacional that, although many do not want to create, do not want the Governor of the Republic to pass the second tram of his mandate in plea with the IP.

One more tariff for the governing body is Adán Augusto López, who has the cost of meeting the empresios principals because there is not much staff to be found in the Salon Tesorería.

To convene tend to be probable that, as in the years to come, all declarations will be made; but if the aggressive narrative is the sum of hostile actions, the bridge between IP and Gobierno will increase.

Al dialogar ne siempre van a escuchar

The dialogue that was so intense, with all the goodwill of Santiago Creel Miranda, but he sought the consultation on the revocation and the election campaigns, the regime appears to have a point of inflection.

Durations of statements, quotations from the last hour, states that the officialism has decided that from this February will emerge gears and campaigns for the federal government to explain its value to the long and hard of the Republic.

It appears that, without importing these words, the decision in officialism has decided that dialogue with the opposition will lose time, if they are not considered, because they are in the electoral campaign stage. No darán cuartel a nadie. Oyo Marko Cortés?

Notes in remolino

In the final result of the conciliation between the senators of the Senate, which took place a quarter of an hour ago, the governor announced that he had initiated an initiative to derogate from the law of “extremes and authority” … False words, llaman a las que ocurren en las carreras atleticas. The Chancellery has officially confirmed that it will hold the Mexico-United States meeting on the Bicentennial Entity on security and actions in Mexico of state agencies for the criminal offenses in Quintana Roo … The Secretariat of Hacienda, like Kruschev in ON dijo nyet a recursos al INE para la consulta para Revocación de Mandato … Con la sabiduría de hace casi tres siglos, Talleyrand dijo: “Nadie puede sospechar cuantas idioteces políticas se han evitado gracias a la falta de dinero” …

José Fonseca

Political Periodical

Political Café


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