Quintana Roo advances in reducing social security in its population

Cancun, QR. During 2021, Quintana Roo will be among the first states of the country to abide by the quality and quality of living space, informs Rocío Moreno Mendoza, head of the Secretariat of Social Development (Sedeso).

In addition to agreeing with the information presented by the National Council for the Evaluation of the Social Disability Policy (Coneval), the advance on logging more structural indicators such as quality of life and living spaces, basic services and educational support; as well as indicators of direct relationship to ingress, speeches as social security and alimony.

Moreno Mendoza explained that he had invested more than 35 million people in the Piso Firme program, and last year he increased the quality of life of 2,163 families, reaching 65 localities in the municipalities of Bacalar, Benito Juárez, Isla Mujeres, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, José María Morelos, Othón P. Blanco, Puerto Morelos y Tulum.

In addition, in 2021, 458 ecological stages were installed and installed in 10 localities of three municipalities, which will significantly increase the quality of life of families. The lives with the leash as combustible to cook the use of fogon without chimenea affect considerably the carencia of basic services in the living.


Derivative of the pandemic and government directives from Carlos Joaquín González, the Sedeso implemented the Hammer Cero Quintana Roo program, extending more than 150,000 food parcels in the 11 municipalities, in food chain.

It details the actions taken to promote the social economy, the function of which is to receive direct benefits for the 2,117 integrated women of the Permaculture program, in the municipalities of Othón P. Blanco, José María Morelos, Bacalar, Felipe Carrillo Puerto and Benito Women; means that with the Banca Social program, the constitution of three Cooperative Societies of Ahorro and Préstamo will be signed, allowing the capacity of 83 companies.

“Finally, a governing body has been established with the people, a total of 38 public hearings have been held in the 11 municipalities run by the governor Carlos Joaquín; and during 2021 we will reach 783 citizens ”, explained Rocío Moreno.

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