Neorrancios contra postmodernos: la nostalgia como campo de batalla cultural (y política)

  • Is it legitimate to look for solutions to the problems of the present? But this dilemma unfolds the ultimate episode of the war that ‘traditionalists’ and ‘modernists’ write in the wake of the Izquierda

  • In the recent essay ‘Neorrancios’, a dozen young writers rebuked the evocation of Spain in the transition that Ana Iris Simón proposed in ‘Feria’

Pocas veces una phrase ha conzegido agitar el public debate de un pais con la efficia con que lo ha logrado la que da inicio a ‘Feria‘, the book published in 2020 by the periodical and writer Ana Iris Simón in that the author acude to his childhood records in a pueblo of La Mancha and the relation of his familiar history to arming a continuous discourse against la vida urbana moderna y el progreso, a los que culpa de la falta de expectativas vitales que padece su generation. “I’m envious of the fact that my father’s parents have my oath & rdquor ;, Simón wrote at the beginning of his novel and volvo to proclaim in May 2021 at the Palacio de la Moncloa, where invited to give a speech about the demographic rights of Spain.

Simón arma has an ongoing discourse against modern urban life and progress, and to blame for the lack of vital expectant people who lead its generation

The phrase, book and proprietary Ana Iris, which appeared this week in the port of ‘The New York Times’, has been converted from entone entities into highly flammable political material. Authorship of the author to sign the problems acucian to the young de hoy –precariedad laboral, penuria immobiliaria, imposibilidad para emanciparse y criar- y su habilidad para evokar al pasade como referente de certidumbres y certezas fue aplaudida por propios y extranos, un clamor en el se cruzaron voces de la izquierda more radical, which celebrates its courage to signal “the steps of postmodernism & rdquor ;, and of the derecha mediática, that the jealousy of haberse attributed to chanting to Pedro Sanchez the values ​​of the barracks in his own house.

Pero la autora manchega también ha concitado airados reproches de partes quienes creen que proyecta an idyllic mirada of the past and the accusan de hacerse trampas al solitario al buscar en aquella España soluciones a los problemas de la de ahora.

Cultural War

Probably not in his plans when writing the book, but his number ended up being the last and most important chapter of the cultural and political war that came alive from different years between years corrientes de la izquierda on the agenda of the interests that deben pursue the progressive formations.

‘Feria’ has been applauded, in part, by the most radical Izquierda and the media derecha

The debate over whether there is a gap in classes and material priorities for workers has been raised by the feminism, ecology and the collective LGTBI it is now, but for the last year and a half, the education that these Izquierda cultures have has not begun to create in social speeches, opinion polls, and libraries.

The last beautiful artifact arrived at this camp of ideological battle is titled ‘Neorrancios’ (Peninsula). It employs a dozen teachers of periodicals, writers, investigators and activists and in dismantling, one by one, all the posthumous defenders Simón, to the tachan of “nostalgic& rdquor ;. También avisan de “The derivative reaction of rojipards and extremocentrists & rdquor; que creen que se avecina en el pais, en allusions a dos de et etiquetas con los que la “izquierda postmoderna & rdquor; identifies to this other quiz that declares a more traditional diagnostic party.

‘Neorrancios’, the ultimate book of this ideological battle, dismantles Simón’s postulates, and advises on’ the derivation of reactionaries of extremists and extremists & rdquor; what is in the country

Bajo este fuego cruzado subyace la duda de si el pasado puede ser a reliable bar for taking the presente -part of a source of solutions to the contemporary problems-, and if the inquin with hoy are the progressive currents distant in the papers and the reasons allowed to plant a debate about what should be the agenda of the Spanish public life.

What did you do for the better?

The idea that the young people of viviran peor that the generation before cobrus would go through the Great Recession and acabó converted into one of the dogmas of the decade. Included in the campsites of the 15-M podium leerse carteles con el lema: “In my life I live as my father & rdquor;. Did you ever understand the fact that Ana Iris Simón dice profess the youth of her teachers?

“In terms of wealth, rent or education, it is obvious that no, because the country has developed much in these years. But if we have vital expectation words, the same thing. Los’boomers‘benefits from social mobility that facilitates the modernization of the economy, but to the young people who have been forced to do so in the midst of two crises & rdquor ;, explains the political logo Pablo Simón.

In the middle of the 70s, go, create, take out a home with a mortgage and travel to the playground in a utility paid to the places constituted the Aspiration Retreat of the Media Class, but today all the young companies have this life plan, and it is always for economic reasons. “Not his priorities for many of us. Planting this debate comparing generations is a step that only conducts to nostalgia, because only repair in the figures and does not pass by all the changes that have experimented the society in these years & rdquor ;, advised Eudald Espluga, periodical cultural and philosopher, and one of the firemen of ‘Neorrancios’.

Who defends hoy al obrero?

There is a diagnosis of reality in which progressives and traditionalists, modern and nostalgic, agree: the levels of laborious precaution and inequality of interest que se dan hoy en día no tienen un pase. Lo ya no está tan claro es cómo se le pone el cascabel a ese gato. “The important thing is to distribute the wealth and the time of work, and here it is true that both men, women, homosexuals, immigrants or the national & rdquor ;, denounce the sociologist and plastic artist Jon E. Illescas.

Through its channel of Youtube is “Marxist Democrat & rdquor; teaching communism with a didactic tone, a vocation that it has been labeled “rojipardo& rdquor; in las redes. “Coincided with this idea in some posts and in others no. What is clear is that the progressive parties of today have abandoned the working classes & rdquor ;, affirma este ex militant of Izquierda Unida.

40 years ago, it was clear that women conformed to their classes, but the limits of this social group were not reached. “The nostalgia of the workmanship is very appealing, but yes, today a Glovo rider is more vulnerable than an SEAT workman & rdquor ;, advised Pablo Simón. Political discourses have followed the path of this transformation of the labor panorama. “Izquierda actual seduce a electorado distinto al hace cuatro decadas. The tender does not suggest the recipes of the past, more than some years ago the syndical lucha times & rdquor ;, analyzed the professor of political science of the Autonomous University of Madrid José Rama, which also participates in the essay ‘Neorrancios’.

Is Ley Trans going against the classroom?

The main reproach of the traditional Izquierda against the postmodern is have confused to his votes with a political agenda that does not correspond to his interests. Illescas the summary in terms of strategy: “Ecology, feminism and LGTBI demands in particular. If guests are among the militants on their fronts, they should not be forced to pay attention to what is important, which is to question the consumer capitalist model in what we live & rdquor ;.

In the opinion of the periodical Rubén Serrano, it is not only solo that is superior in Spanish society, so it is worthwhile to question the social conquests that have arisen in the last years in the wake of the series of short-sighted men who are pushing for a political turn in the pie. “For us, the vicissitudes, the bujaras, the tortillas, the travelers and any other person who is selling the sexual norm and gender, any time passed no more than & rdquor ;, write in ‘Neorrancios’.

Can I look back and react?

The term ‘rojipardo‘alludes to the colors traditionally identified with communism and fascism. The idea of ​​being able to share in unison is posted progresistas y de extremema derecha results in a priori counterintuitive, but every time there are more voices that advocate the emergence of a discourse that promises to defend the working class launching insidia against immigrants and affirming that the best help that can be offered to the local industry is planted a national flag to its products and dudar of cosmopolitanism.

“The neorancio has an enormous facility to launch the mainstream because it is full of familiar and popular materials & rdquor ;, the periodicals announce Begoña Gómez Urzaiz, coordinator of ‘Neorrancios’. In his opinion, it is a pity that Ana Iris Simón is supposed to belong to a family of old communists and enslave the figure of Ramiro Ledesma, one of the founders of the Falange, in the pages of ‘Feria’, book that Santiago Abascais clearly visible to passers-by of the Congress of Deputies.

Según José Rama, debemos a ir acostumbrando el ojo a extraños apareamientos ideologologicos. “In Europe, we have seen Syria form a coalition with radical Greek law, and in Italy the ultra-Salvini law in Gobierno with the votes of the Movement 5 Estrellas, which has been politically disrupted with a profile of Izquierdas & rdquor ;, enumerates the political scientist.

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The term ‘neorrancio‘-que surgió en el espacio’ Amiga, date cuenta ‘que las periodistas Begoña Gómez y Noelia Ramírez conducen en ‘Tardeo‘, Radio Primavera Sound’s program is the ultimate in incorporating the varied and ingenious arsenal of labels with which the current both of these acoustumbran to denost to the opposite.

For the parties of the more traditional policies, the enfrente are their “postmodern, pipe progress o posmoqueer & rdquor ;, and conforman “la izquierda brilli-brilli, fucsia, arcoíris, o la izquierdita Netflix& rdquor ;. On the contrary, for those who water, they are “rojipardos, reactionaries, neorrurals or falanhipsters & rdquor ;.

It is not difficult to find these terms in the ideological combats that one and others suelen mantener in Twitter, which is the battle camp where acontece in large medium is this contingent. Follow the political logo Fernando Vallespín, in this case the scenario conditioned the debate. “Las redes fomentan el tribalismo. Eres de nuestros o de los contrarios, sin medias tintas, pero así es impossible mantener una politédiscité & rdquor ;, se lamenta.

In his recent book, ‘The society of intolerance ‘, Vallespín advises on an added challenge in this form of planting public debates: “The arguments are presented in moral terms: we are the good and the bad. By this road, the acaba politics turning into religious war & rdquor ;, senala. If this is the destination that is waiting for this debate, then ask yourself algun desenlace y habrá un ganador. “We do not believe that haya, we will follow all the scandals on Twitter and in the columns have that the park vengeance to buscarnos & rdquor ;, prognostica Begoña Gómez.

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