Music and lyrics, by Josep Maria Fonalleras

The lists of the best books, series, movies or the most valued music, of the most recognized shows, always have a point of injustice, like everything that implies choice. More if it is about artistic preferences that, from one level, have to do with the tastes of each one. Having said that, I must add that I am happy, this year, that many of the novelties and premieres of 2021 coincide with those that I have valued the most or that I have appreciated as pieces that deserve a lasting memory. From the tiny (and so intense) reflection of Cristina Masanés in ‘Eroica’ (one of the best contributions to understand pandemic seclusion) to the almost sacred ritual of Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés in the album ‘Clamor’ or the ‘tour de force ‘by Joan Carreras, alone, in’ Historia de un boar ‘. From Joan Lluís Lluís’s passionate praise of literature, travel and adventure in ‘Junil a les terres dels bàrbars’ or the indefatigable wisdom of Rafael Chirbes’s ‘Diaries’ to the narrative exuberance of the ‘Succession’ series, a Shakespeare passed through the turmix of astracanada and capitalist voracity. They have accompanied us. They have amused us, they have hurt us.

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