Monegal’s critique: He erected a ’13 Rue del Percebe ‘at Rociíto

Están desarbolados. About everything, surprisingly. Of the last six months, he lost five. I have not done anything yet. Tele 5 was supervised by Antena 3 since last August. Solo pudieron ganar octubre. And he asked what he had done? Ah! To the best of the audience, he started the ‘ranch’ cancer as a single dish, being the only one of the papilla’s that he distributes to all of them.

Es barato de producer, eso sí. But the comic books quiz will start with a more elaborate, more varied menu. For that there is excitement in the ‘telecinqüe’ empire. Y han mandado que hagan algo, otra vez, con Carrasco Rocket. There is a sequel masking this bike. Ahora le han montado una casita, Montealto, una replica de su hogar cuando era pequeñita. The sea, a caricature of the house of Rocío Juradoy Pedro Carrasco when Rociíto era una niña. Ah! Yo creo que les ha salido, sin querer, la ’13 Rue del Percebe ‘, but with much less art and a punitive crime and distinct.

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We have shown the gates of each dwelling, collocated by pieces. The main dormitory, the waiter, the dressing room, the living room, the kitchen, the accommodation of the creature …. Y Rociíto i abriendo esas puertas y nos enseñaba lo que hay dentro, un espacio que ha rellenado con los objetos, enseres, recuerdos, es decir, la herencia mobiliaria que tenía escondida en un almacén desde hace 15 aos. He appeared, protesting, other members of the family. Naturally Tele 5 nos los ha puesto ensiguida para darle un picante point a la papilla. If you do not sell the boca al ir tragando el engrudo, el neglocio declina. Her hermana Gloria Camila he advertised his sadness to enter on the television that he had photos, and the reasons for his mother, that she had sex with her and that she did not know she existed. The title Amador reclama un tambor, y “A white pared piano” , a los que tiene mucho cariño. Tita Rosa Benito has been accommodated because his sovereignty has appropriated a beautiful image of the Virgen of Rule – the patron saint of Chipiona – which is her and she created.

The audience showed a relative interest in this ’13 Rue Rociíto ‘. A 12.2% discount rate on Mediaset is very small. The best thing to do is to call Tele 5 to do a ‘joint venture’ with the program ‘La Sexta’ El caza herederos’ and that Jalis de la Serna se ponga a repartir esa herencia como es debido.

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