marked cards

The electoral reform proposed by President López Obrador has the cards marked in favor of his Morena party.

At first glance, a reform that reduces the cost of elections, the financing of parties, broadcast times and the number of deputies and senators, eliminates the state electoral apparatus and leaves the election of elections in the hands of the citizens, seems very attractive. the electoral advisers and magistrates, however, when all the proposed changes are analyzed in depth, have only one objective, to benefit Morena and control the electoral processes.

The elimination of resources to the parties for their operation and that they depend exclusively on the contributions of the militants in non-electoral years, would result in the weakening of the parties in those years and would directly benefit Morena, since the government can force, as it has done and does, to public officials and beneficiaries of social programs, to make contributions to the party.

Reducing the time on radio and television would affect all parties equally, but again, since Morena is a party in government, all its broadcasting would directly benefit that party.

At first it was thought that it was being proposed to eliminate the plurinominals, but the ones that are really being eliminated are the majority and direct election deputies, with which they would cease to be popular representatives and would become exclusively representatives of the parties. This reform would distance the deputies and candidates from the people and from their district; it would leave only the social management and support to the people in the government, with Morena benefiting from this for being a party in the government.

On the other hand, it would limit the independence of legislators and strengthen party leadership and discipline, since their continuity would depend on their inclusion on state lists. Reducing the number of legislators will affect the small parties and therefore the political plurality.

In the best populist style of López Obrador, it is proposed that it be the citizens who elect the electoral councilors and magistrates from proposals made by Congress, the Supreme Court and the federal Executive. Being the result of an election, they would be popular representatives, they would cease to be electoral judges and since Morena is the party that has the greatest popular support and the capacity to mobilize voters, the government candidates and Morena would be the winners; they would therefore have full control of the electoral bodies.

Eliminating the state electoral bodies, in addition to a blow to federalism, would leave all the country’s processes in the hands of the federal body that would be controlled by Morena.

In summary, the electoral reform proposed by López Obrador has the objective of strengthening his party, weakening the opposition and controlling the electoral organisms, in the face of the ever greater threat that he will lose the presidential election in 2024. López Obrador wants to return to the Mexico in 1988, when the government controlled the electoral bodies and was able to carry out electoral fraud.

Demetrius Sodi

Mexican politician

from the pitch

Citizen interested in solutions for the country and Mexico City. Mexican politician, he has been a federal deputy (1988-1991), senator (2000-2006) and delegation head of Miguel Hidalgo (2009-2012).

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