López Obrador will go down in history for his way of governing, shamans predict by 2022

At the top of a sacred hill in Lima, Peruvian shamans provided with coca leaves, swords and ceramic pots with fire predicted that Russia and the United States will solve their conflicts and that the pandemic will continue with new variants.

Dressed in traditional costumes, indigenous Andeans, the jungle and the coast of Peru, they prayed on Wednesday to “Tayta Inti” (Father Sun) and “Pachamama” (Mother Earth) with the photographs of the US president, Joe Biden, from Russia, Vladimir Putin and the Ukrainian Volodimir Zelenski.

“We have envisioned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is not going to take place because a dialogue will be reached with the United States, which will come on good terms,” ​​shaman Walter Alarcón, president of the Organization of Shamans, told AFP. From Peru.

“We have not seen conflict between the two countries, we will see dialogue, conversation,” Alarcón added after whipping yellow flowers and spraying ayahuasca with perfumes on the photographs of the presidents.

On some colorful blankets spread on the ground they put oranges, tangerines, bananas and apples. In addition, they used corn grains and other Andean cereals to draw the numbers for the year 2022.

One of the shamans blew a conch shell like a trumpet, which started the morning ceremony in this “apu” (sanctuary) located above the clouds that covered Lima.

In the ritual, the healers also placed the photographs of the Venezuelan president on some stones Nicolas Maduro, the Mexican Andrés López Obrador and the chilean Sebastian Piñera.

In addition, they took the photograph of the Peruvian soccer team to give it good vibes in the South American qualifiers for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

With ayahuasca

The shamans stated that during their nocturnal soiree they drank ayahuasca (yagé or wine of death), a traditional drink of the Amazon extracted from a vine of the same name, also known as “rope of the spirits”, which produces hallucinogenic effects.

“We have visualized that the transmission of command from Piñera to Boric of a leftist tendency will be very good. There will be disagreements, but in the end the government will remain in Chile,” said Alarcón.

“Maduro will continue to govern, but for a short time. López Obrador will go down in history because of the way he governs,” he added.

The shamans visualized that next year the trend in Latin American countries will be to elect left-wing candidates.

“Everyone is going to be leftists here, now Brother Lula from Brazil is going to enter,” declared the shaman Félix Roldan.

Without Castle

The curandera Ana María Simeón assured that the Peruvian president, Pedro Castillo, who was sworn in on July 28, will not continue in office due to betrayals of his relatives.

“He is going to see the need to leave. Things are getting dark for the president, many will betray him. We did not end the government with him,” said Simeón, dressed in white and with an Andean hat.

Simeon pointed out that in 2022 new variants of Covid 19 will appear, but they will not be so lethal.

To the Worldcup

The shamans assured that the Peruvian team located in fifth place in the South American qualifiers will achieve good results in their last matches between January and March to qualify for the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

“We have seen that the national team is going to do very well, it does qualify for the World Cup,” said Alarcón.

“The selection is in ups and downs, but we are going to the World Cup,” said Roldán.

The Inca squad adds 17 points and temporarily occupies fifth place, with the same number of units as Colombia, fourth due to its best goal difference (-1 to -5).

Peru will face on January 27 and February 1, in the next double World Cup date precisely Colombia as a visitor, and Ecuador as a local.

In March, they will face Uruguay for a visit, and Paraguay for home.


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