Long live the elephants !, by Carles Francino

Since knowledge does not take up space and that learning seems very enjoyable to me, I was interested in how many neurons does our brain have. And they are many: more than 80 billion. It is thus understood with such a commotion that the cables sometimes cross in the most unexpected way. How to explain, if not, that some connection between the death of an animal in the Barcelona Zoo and the obituary of a man in Vigo. Ok, so I’m sorry, but I see that connection; will be my neurons. On the one hand, we have Wilson, 22 years old, an extraordinary age for a suricata. On the other hand for Antonio, who at 92 also played in the high group of seniority. Both shared something undesirable in the latter part of their lives: the desertion. Wilson has been completely isolated for years since the herd denied him because he was old; meerkats are a matriarchal species where the males fight for the favor of the females and expel those who are no longer good for it.

Keep reading ….


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