Light reaches its third highest price this Sunday

The electricity price in the wholesale market (‘pool‘) has increased this Sunday by about a 15%, until reaching 256,98 euros the megawatt hour (MWh), which will be its third highest price in history and the highest so far this month. With this new rise, the price of electricity will be more than two times higher than last Sunday and almost six times the value set by the pool on the second Sunday of December. last year (43.19 euros).

The third highest price of electricity is only behind the 288.53 euros / MWh of the past October 7 and of the 274.56 euros / MWh registered in November 30. By time slots, the maximum price for this Sunday will be recorded between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. with 298 euros / MWh, while the minimum will be 218.01 euros / MWh between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. In addition, the price of this Sunday will be the most expensive in history for a Sunday, despite being a day in which economic activity decreases and energy demand is lower.

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So far from my the average price of electricity stands at 205.74 euros / MWh, 6% more than the average registered during the month of November (193.43 euros / MWh), and 3% above that of October (200.06 euros / MWh), the most expensive month to date. Wholesale market prices have a direct impact on the regulated tariff or PVPC, to which they are welcomed almost 11 million consumers in Spain, and serves as a reference for the other 17 million that contract their supply on the free market.

The price escalation that affects much of Europe is due, among other factors, to the rising gas prices in international markets, which is used in combined cycle power plants and which mark the market price in most hours, and the increase in the value of the emission rights of carbon dioxide (CO2).

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