Labor reform: content or continent. Camil Ros article

As a matter of urgency, in politics, the majority of debates are taking place in the political court, el tiqui-taca politico. Pierden the perspective of the causes, and about everything for which deben will serve the politicians. Ya nosurrió con de debate de Presupuestos, tanto los del Estado como los de Catalunya. There was an eternal discussion about the last minute of the party: the end or not of the totality of the Presupuestos, the content debate debate in both cases, which parties eran necesarias to progressively reverse the policies of the records of the PP and CiU …

In the debate on labor reform nos estur ocurriendo lo mismo: nadie habla de los contenidos, todo el mundo del continente. Hacen grand analysis and great conspiracy strategies, or the stellar debate on the legitimacy of social dialogue versus parliamentary legitimacy, o these are pure sobervenidas que quieren todo. Asia we can find them without anything. Debates that every day that happens are more important, the risk of bad luck.

Do not do anything critical, hablaré más del contenido que del continente. The labor reform reform agreement is certain that the reforms of the PP and the PSOE will not be abolished altogether, so we are deciding that there is no end to it: what has been negotiated is what has been going on over the month; in the rest of the themes has not been granted a major alimony. We will continue to review and negotiate until we meet. The intention to talk only about what is missing is the important matters in which it has been agreed, like the lucha contra la precariedad, los salarios bajos (especially of the multiservice companies) and the temporalities of the contract, which is not small.


8,082 euros is what it will cost more this year to a person working in the mercantile transport sector in the province of Barcelona for a multi-service business. If it goes from 13,980 to 22,062 euros and, if we are in the metal sector, the increase will be more than 9,000 euros. Only with this series will suffice to vote in favor.

Labor reforms are used to apply a salary devaluation there are no precedents for those who have not recovered ours. One of the key to herramenting this devaluation is the applicable priority of the company agreementfor the sector, which reduces salaries only in the hostel sector (cases known as those of the Kellys), we also have a very important form in industry, logistics, transport of merchandise and public contracting of services. Asia, the application priority in salary and jornada queda derogada.

Contract models

The free bar of employment contracts has ended. Until now, most companies are working on the most precarious and temporal contracts: contracts on days or weeks, or the opening or fixed service, punctual, permanent. From now on, the contract by definition will be the indefinite. Only being temporary is very well justified for production or cover reasons. This giro in the contract is key to reduce precariousness and temporality, especially of the young.

In contrast, there is another large change, training and practice contracts will be taken to learn and as you can see now, there is more work to be done. Defines various trainings, practices, dual training, university practices, among others. These contracts should be a herramienta of entry in the labor market for the young and there is no market for expulsion from the market.

Los ertes

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For this reason, the agreement does not only mean that it affects the lower salaries and the temporary and precarious contract, which alone is important. Tiene, also, Structural elements that make us better and better at managing the economic crisis what we suffer in these moments: sanitary crisis, demand, energy, climatic … Ensure that our shortcomings are different, as are objective causes and objectives, but it is necessary to centralize sectoral collective bargaining and social dialogue as key economic and social progress.

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