Jesús Zambrano, head of the national PRD, assures that the PRI-PAN-PRD coalition will beat Morena in the 6 states in the election

Jesus Zambranonational leader of the PRD, said that the Go for Mexico coalition will obtain positive results in the six entities of the Republic that this Sunday are holding elections for governor.

The PRD member was in Quintana Roo to show his support for the licensed deputy and candidate of the “Va por Quintana Roo” coalition for the government of that state, Laura Fernández Piña.

There, Jesús Zambrano stated that the coalition candidates PAN-PRI-PRDand the different alliances they made throughout the country, did a remarkable job on this election day.

“We have that confidence today and so throughout the country in the six entities; like the other five, like Quintana Roo. We are going to come out with very good results this Sunday, June 5, and we are going to show that it is possible”, Jesús Zambrano boasted.

Despite his optimism, Zambrano warned about minor incidents and reports of vote buying by Morena, since he said that “right here, in Quintana Roo, reports of vote buying by the Green Party have been detected in some houses, but fortunately they are minor incidents. And the fact that they are doing that is not more than a clear demonstration that they know they do not have them with them, ”he warned.

Jesús Zambrano accused that there is “a lot of nervousness” in other states of the Republic, such as in the area of ​​the Durango lagoon or in the state of Tamaulipas, where there have been indications that some irregular criminal acts may take place, “but so far not we have reports of greater things.”

He added that the coalition remains positive despite the incidents by Morena, whom he accused of using demeaning methods that insult the free and democratic vote. He expressed, however, that “fortunately there is a lot of citizen surveillance, because people want free and peaceful elections.”

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