Iván and Lucía, by Carles Francino

I have a nine-year-old daughter who is up to the ovaries of being mortified by her eleven-year-old brother. His concept of justice and his reserves of patience make him jump often and defend himself, sometimes with words, but also with answers that evoke passages from the ‘Riot’ series. Beyond the annoyance that these brawls cause her mother and me, we have little doubt that Lucy he is reasonably happy and has the rennet to move forward in life. Ivan also because he’s smart and good people, although with that bastard streak that comes out sometimes. Want to be noticed. And yet, with such young ages, we already have to make an effort so that the girl does not resign herself to what the boy says. We, of course, have not taught him.

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All this has come to my head after reading, in ‘El Periódico de España’, a report by Violeta Molina entitled ‘Barriguitas versus megacoches: the never ending tale of sexist advertising’, where it is verified how the idea of ​​male authority it is reinforced in every detail of the world of children’s toys, including the voices of the commercials; theirs are naughty, theirs powerful. Yolanda Domínguez has also studied the phenomenon in her book ‘Damn stereotype’. It is incomprehensible that, on the verge of saying goodbye to 2021, with some fucking technological advances and a fight for equality that is being fought in many settings, this sector continues to exhibit such stale tics. That is why I take for granted the criticism of the campaign in the form of a ‘toy strike’ launched by the Ministry of Consumption to combat sexist advertising. Because there is an interested discourse that presents any norm or change as a interference with individual freedom. Progressive dictatorship, some of those who long for the other dictatorship, that of the general, call it. But, precisely for this reason, I believe that it would be necessary to walk with lead feet so that initiatives with a pedagogical vocation are not perceived as a moralistic rattle. If only so that the Ivanes and Lucías get along better.


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