Ione Belarra admits that the Government is “at a critical moment”: “We are risking it in these months”

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The Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Grass, has applauded the Government’s measures to lower the light, although it has recognized that the Executive is “at a critical moment” when he is not even in the middle of his mandate.

Belarra has admitted that “In the next few months we will risk it”, gambling by a social and democratization agenda “powerful” to ensure reelection in the next elections.

At this point, and with the polls giving a victory to Pablo Casado’s PP or a technical tie between the popular and the PSOE, Belarra has warned Pedro Sánchez that there is still much to do, such as repeal the Gag Law, “which is still in force”.

“It is too early to talk about polls,” said the Podemos leader, who believes that the government, which has not yet completed two years, is “at a critical moment” in which it will be at stake in the coming months.

Thus, Belarra has asked citizens to choose between two models: a “plurinational” government with leftist formations or a PP government with the “extreme right” of Vox that will bring “a future in black and white”.

“And those are the two alternatives. One that looks to the future, that bets on LGTBI rights, feminist rights, for environmentalism. And another in black and white that is committed to ending Central Madrid, ending environmentalism, ending the policies that will save the planet and that will allow us to leave a decent life for our sons and daughters. Choose the people. One model or the other, “he concluded.

“Pineapple at the price of champagne”

Regarding the Government’s measures to lower the price of electricity, Ione Belarra has highlighted the pressure that United We has been doing for weeks to reduce the bill. “It is very good news. What we have been proposing for a long time has been done, which is to withdraw the great benefits of electricity companies to sell the cheapest energy,” he said, thinking that the electricity companies “They sell pineapple juice at the price of French champagne.”

Belarra has described these measures as “brave and bold” in response to the “millionaire benefits” of electricity companies “while many people are having a hard time.” “These are measures that no one has dared to do before and threatens closing the nuclear power plants gives an idea that, indeed, for the first time a government dares to touch its privileges to lower the electricity bill to the people, “he continued.

“Do what had to be done”

Belarra explained that these measures had “never” been put on the table because “there are 175 deputies that they have gone from the Government to the oligopoly of the electricity companies, sitting on Boards of Directors, “preventing political leaders from” making the decisions that had to be taken “in matters of the energy market.

“For the first time there a force in government that has a free hand to do what had to be done and we have driven vehemently, because we are very stubborn, so that these measures go ahead, “he continued, only in reference to Podemos.

Finally, Belarra has opined that “nothing happens” because the electricity companies “pitch in a little bit” and “the people of our country can pay a tighter bill than I think SMEs, the self-employed, people in their homes and the industry is going to appreciate it very much. ”

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