Install STPS work table to review tomato case where there is forced labor

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) informed that it will install a work table, in which the Ministry of Economy also participates, in order to review the arrest warrant issued yesterday by the customs authority of the United States (CBP, for its acronym in English) to two exporting companies of Mexican tomato –Agropecuarios Tom SA de CV and Hortícola SA de CV– for the alleged existence of practices linked to forced labor.

The work will also be joined by the National Agricultural Council (CNA) In order to open a communication channel with such companies, the corresponding investigations are carried out, and, “if any breach of labor regulations is identified, a plan is established to guarantee the protection of workers’ rights,” he explained. the dependence.

The agency pointed out that “this measure is not part of the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), but is based on the Tariff Law of that country dating from 1930 and that, previously, has been used interchangeably to companies located in countries with which it has or does not have a trade agreement. Therefore, it is not a State-State controversy, but a direct commercial sanction to a good produced by a specific company ”.

It should be noted that after the issuance of this order, the tomato companies have the right to appeal the decision to the US customs authority and present evidence that demonstrates their compliance with labor regulations, in order for the sanction to be lifted.

“The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare reiterates its commitment to continue working for a Mexican countryside free of forced labor and child labor, as well as to consolidate a business in North America that puts workers’ rights at the center. To achieve this, the three governments must put good faith, dialogue and cooperation above measures, ”says the press release.

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