Iñaki and Cristina interrupt, by Albert Soler

In a poor, when the santa the pill with otra, the pone the maletas in the puerta and the dice adios, muy buenas. O ahí te pudras, depende. The rich no, they are distinct, in a place to separate or divorce, that their acts propose to the classes, that hacen be “interrupt his matrimonial relationship”, as he announced Urdangarin and the child Cristina. Hasta now, the only one who interrupts in the relations of the party was the coitus, and is to listen to preservatives. Interrupting the matrimonial relationship is a superior stage, alcance only of the nobility, or for the lesser of the nobility, as is the case. It is like soliciting an overtime pay, just like Urdangarin’s, more than an overtime pay without a right to compensation. Urdangarin did not enter the cell, but interrupted his release. Ni siquiera fue condenado por prevaricacion en malversación, sino por interrumpir su honradez. Los ricos son así hasta el final. Cuando mueren, interrumpen la vida.

A matrimonial relationship must not be interrupted from its beginning, it lasts 90 minutes because it is in football, it lasts for a while when it is ten, it lasts for a while, when any of the necessary and necessary. A matrimony without interruptions is inviolable. I do not have anyone who joins his wife at all times, toda la vida, hasta que la muerte, por fin, ya era hora, les separe. But this part of the process of degrading is another type of interruption, it is said to be definitive. That year with care Urdangarin. If the corners are the same series, the corners with the most public humiliation -for God, are not mentioned in the ‘Financial Times’, but in the’ Lectures’- there are no women who support, more than the affected Tuviera examples in case of his most tierna infancy. I do not believe that the calm or the explanation of that no fue adulterio, sino interrupción de la fidelidad conyugal.

The balloon man exjugator passes by Duque Empalmado -how it is defined, now that we know that there is an opinion of the one who is selling Duque Interruptor, in a way that does not abandon the body of electricians. Do not abandon it, even when it is enriched with its influences of Duque Enchufadoo sea que quizás tiene ahí, entre amperios y voltios, su futuro laboral, ya como Duque Corriente.

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-It is what we despise, Iñaki, it is never, but in view of the malice publicity that supones, hemos interrupted your working relationship with us. Recoge tus cosas al salir.

In the early adulthood I teach that if I want to quarrel with the querida, for less than the beds of the man, then there is a plausible explanation, if only a work companion, we are discussing a case, we echo the tarde y fuimos a comer algo. What he, man, seems to think that those who study at Esade do not know the most basic rules for living without interruptions.


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