In order not to perish, the PRD defines itself as a social democrat

With partisan registration in just 17 of the 32 states of the country, the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) approved a change of political ideology: it will leave behind 32 years of history as a radical left force to become a social democratic left.

According to the resolutions approved during the 18th National Congress of the party, held over the weekend, the PRD has the conviction that another Mexico is possible and to achieve this it proposed to the citizens “to build, through inclusive dialogue, a new model of development with a social democratic orientation and capable of overcoming neoliberalism and economic populism.

“The PRD wants to solve the main problems of the Mexican nation and for this purpose it seeks to build a great social and political force that adopts this action program that should become the banner of the daily struggle of the PRD members, and in demands of reforms that governors must carry out ”, cites the document endorsed by the assembly.

In the elections of last June, the Sol Azteca lost its local party registration, by not reaching the minimum required vote, in the following 15 states:

Baja California, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Morelos, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa and Tamaulipas.

The new declaration of principles of the PRD specifies that it is “a social democratic left party, which aspires to build a new society of free citizens, in which progress is based on the work of the entire population, where prosperity is equitable and elevates the quality of life of all and all ”.

And that this party will have to confront “any model of dictatorial, despotic and authoritarian government, concentrator of political and economic power.”

In his inaugural speech, Jesús Zambrano, national president of the PRD, said that the party “will break with the legacy of the old revolutionary nationalism, of an authoritarian nature (…) as well as with that version of the radical left, which has nothing on the left. nor of democratic, today installed in the conduction of the country ”.

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