How to make an outdoor garden? Recommended plants

A terrarium is a recipient in which to reproduce the Ambient conditions y de vida de un ser vivo, preferiblemente terrestre (planta, reptil, anfibio, insecto & mldr;). The only requirement for a terrarium is considered as such is that at least one of its cars is transparentto facilitate the vision of the interior.

En el ambito botanicalthe terrarium can only refer to small recipients that are used as invernaderos with those that recreate the conditions of a tropical atmosphere, it is decisive, humidity and high temperature and constant.

Plantar semillas en crystal tarros, one of the classic infantile activities, you can consider the origin of a terrarium. Specifically, if one chooses to have a juda or be between human beings and hope to germinate. It is an experiment that only works in this case and is the basis of a terrarium of plants and the first step to plant an aguacate at homefor example.

One more step

Perio more than the typical crystal tar with the germinating broth of Judeacan collect collections of decorative plants in a recipient more or less small, and here it is a mixture of a outdoor plant terrarium, or simply outdoor garden.

The outdoor garden, also known as the bottled garden, is an idea that became popular in European culture in the decade of the 60’s.

To create this type of terrarium, you have to plant a plant – or variety – inside a glass bottle. More than the recipient in it, what is very important is the type of plants that have to be planted to create this eternal garden.

The error: plant plant design

“Hice is the first outdoor garden to spend more on the pines and the design that the garden has in it, because there are no plants in the plant”, explains Alex Riera, botanical aficionado. “There is now a market that only sobs the musgo and some plants of small herbaceous pebbles, which have no attractive results.

And this is the second of the question: the plants that are best germinated and created in an outdoor garden are the ones that are better adapted to the highest temperatures and humidity, they say, the tropical ones: orquídeas, bromelias, líquenes, tillandsias, pothos, helechos –A very common plant in any forest- ficus enano, etcetera.

After the plant or plant has been selected (any phrase or transparent crystal tarpaulin with tap, more if it is corrugated or a porous material that allows the transpiration) it will create a small ecosystem within it that will constant humidity. In this way, the plant is water-resistant and protects any external plant, attempting to develop an effective form.

Once the plant and tar are selected, the steps are followed by the following:

At the bottom of the tarrow or the selected recipient, there are approximate deductions of little feet, cuyo tamaño no supere el de una canica, y se cubre toda la base. El sustrato which is used for aquariums is perfect, but it can also be used as it is located in a forest. Convenient, so to speak, that there is a similar tamaño.

Excellent for absorb the excess of humidity of the perennial garden, is a product that can be purchased at an animal store that sells species and aquariums. Its main function is to maintain and maintain microorganisms that live in the earth and that help in the decomposition, but also increase oxygen levels for the races and help in the water filter. The vegetable carbon used for barbecues is also served, although it is preferred to be activated. A fine cape bastará.

The next cape or street will be earth. In addition to bringing color and visibility to our outdoor garden, allow plant plants and nutrients. It is recommended to add some of sustratos a la tierra y mezclarlo con ella. It feels good to be strong space for air in the recipientfor that which bastará a par of dedos de tierra de profundidad.

If the plant or plants are located, it is located in the ground. It’s convenient no ponerlas muy juntas between them if there is more than one bread. Además de las citadas anteriormente -orquídeas, bromelias, líquenes, tillandsias, pothos, helechos o ficus enano- puede ser también fittonia o cualquiera de la familia de las tradescantias. Conviene añadir también musgowhich is a plant that retains water and nutrients and can help in the process of condensation of the small ecosystem.

Tras situar todos los stratos en el recipiente o tarro de vidrio fight with an atomizer or a baby bottle, of those who have a dispenser, to avoid the liquid sale being corroded. If possible, ideal series collect water of lluvia for this unique war. The amount of water that has to be stored is small and high humedecer las paredes del frasco. This water will be absorbed by the rays and will be released in the air through the hojas during the perspiration. Posteriorly, condensation forms on the bottom of the tar to be absorbed by the rice.

Through the plantation, the recipient is placed and located in a place well litpreferably with natural light. You have to be careful what you do not receive direct shape sun raysporque el ‘loupe effect‘what happens to the crystal can keep the plants.

Finally, hay que revise the tarro during one day for the moon and for the day before the crystal is emptied of water condensed. If it is successful, it is possible that we will get rid of it excessively and get rid of this vapor adhered to the reciprocating pads with a second layer already around a palate and subject to a rubber, for example.

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Without embarrassment, if it is small and if there are no problems with the plants, then it is perfect. The external garden can be autogestionar sin riego ni ningún cuidado extra lasting more than 50 years.

Club Entender + Animals and plants from EL PERIÓDICO

At the Club Entender + Animals and Plants of THE PERIODIC we are lovers of our lives and our interest in everything related to them. Here we will explain everything related to its mascots and how to remove the maximum sample from its plants, always from an ecological and sustainable point of view. I can easily join the club. Register in Between All and Write, explaining your inquiries or sharing your own experiences.

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