House of Representatives follows the GM union voting process in Silao with a magnifying glass

The complaints and condemnations of the workers of General Motors they reach the United States Congress, which is vigilant about the voting process that will take place on 1 and 2 February, and warned about the importance of guaranteeing free and transparent elections.

In a statement, the chairman of the Media and Trade Subcommittee of the House of Representatives, along with U.S. Congressmen Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) and Dan Kildee (D-MI), argued that “workers should be able to choose which union they want to represent without the interference of corporations or protectionist unions, whether working in Mexico or in Mexico. the United States. ”

They also indicated that Congress continues to monitor the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) labor concern, “we are concerned about reports of continued harassment, intimidation and violence against independent trade union activists in the General Motors Motor Plant in Silao, Mexico, before the union election next week ”.

They emphasized this thanks to the ongoing work of House Democrats and the leadership of the Ambassador Katherine Tai Last year, the Silao facility became the site of the U.S. government’s first self-initiated labor case after blatant violations of workers’ rights during a union contract legitimization vote.

Without immediate action to protect workers’ rights, the historic progress made in enforcing the 2021 case could be lost.

In that regard, they said it was essential that GM and the Mexican labor authority ensure that every worker could cast their secret ballot freely and without intimidation, disseminate election information to all workers, guarantee the immediate presence of official and independent election observers, and facilitate transportation. and full access to vote for all workers.

“This protection is essential and helps protect the rights of workers in Mexico and also in the United States, as it raises the minimum level of labor standards on both sides of our border,” they said.

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