Government of Sinaloa and the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis will work to develop health projects with a positive social impact

  • The Secretaries of Economy and Health held a first meeting with the President of Novartis Mexico, Fernando Javier Cruz.
  • Sinaloa will be a pioneer state for the implementation of primary health care programs in Mexico.
  • An agenda will be created with multinational companies to promote Sinaloa as a state ready to attract investment.

Culiacán, Sinaloa, June 27, 2022.- With the aim of designing a health initiative program meeting the needs from the perspective of a successful social model in other countries of the world, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Health of the Government of Sinaloa held a meeting with the Swiss-based multinational pharmaceutical company, Novartis.

The rapprochement with this multinational company opens up possibilities to develop social benefit projects in the most backward communities of the State, and thus achieve much more extensive health coverage and reach all corners.

The Secretary of Economy, Javier Gaxiola Coppel highlighted that one of the reasons why Novartis Mexico became interested in Sinaloa is due to the vision of the Governor of the State, Rubén Rocha, who works for a government with a social sense and that its public policies are aligned to generate better opportunities to achieve a balance in the regions.

“It is very important to promote entrepreneurship in health care, promote the development of talent and skills, innovation, in order to generate opportunities in this economic activity as relevant as health. Programs like telemedicine could be a success”, she expressed.

He also stressed that Sinaloa has success stories in this area, but that it is necessary to continue working hand in hand with this type of multinational companies to attract investment and implement programs that contribute to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, in this case, in the health sector. .

“The pilot programs that will be implemented will generate a very positive change. Emotional health is important, if we manage to attend to it, the level of competitiveness of companies also rises and we become a healthier state and therefore more productive”, he pointed out.

For his part, Fernando Javier Cruz, President of Grupo Novartis México, expressed his satisfaction at starting projects in Sinaloa such as: Acceso Novartis, a program to strengthen communities to access treatments such as diabetes, hypertension, among other diseases; and community leaders, personnel trained in stabilizing the patient, which allows them to reach the nearest health center, provide academic training for first-hand care. This specific program has affected 20 million people in the model applied in Africa and India.

“A first approach is necessary to know the current conditions of the State, identify its needs and the willingness to co-create projects. Health is a social equalizer,” she pointed out.

The Secretary of Health, Dr. Cuitláhuac González Galindo, pointed out that in Sinaloa we are open to working collaboratively to create this pilot program for the benefit of the communities that need it most. Just as he commented that the health sector seeks to provide attention to epidemiological problems; cardiovascular; diabetes; hypertension; respiratory problems in addition to Covid; that is, first contact medicine, without neglecting specialty diseases. Therefore, said alliance will be of great benefit to Sinaloa society.

Said meeting took place within the framework of the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Economy and the Association of Entrepreneurs of Mexico to promote high-impact Sinaloa ventures at the national level. Juana Ramírez Bustos, founding member and President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Mexico and General Director of Grupo SOHIN, a company that cares for patients with chronic-degenerative diseases, was present.

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