Goodbye, Mexitel; SRE launches new tool for consular appointments

As of March 1, it will operate MyConsulatethe new telephone service for scheduling consular appointments made available to nationals living in the United States and Canada.

The service will be available in the 57 consular offices that make up the Mexican network in North America and will be able to meet a demand of more than 35,000 calls per day.

Foreign Secretary, Marcelo Ebrardhighlighted that the new tool is strategic for all those who require consular services.

“As of March 1, it disappears Mexitel and we entered the My Consulate system, March 1, it is very important, that is next week. This operates throughout the American Union and in Canada”, she detailed at a press conference to announce the improvements in the service.

“It means that from 300 positions that we had contracted, now we are going to have 400 (operators), so we hope that the service will improve, that is the strategic objective,” he added.

The new telephone line available for United States and Canada It will be: 1-(424)-309-0009, while the website for the consular network of Mexico throughout the world is:

Service MyConsulate It is the result of a national public bidding process and the contract will be valid for three years.


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