Gas prices reach tipping point — curbing summer road trips

Gas prices are changing summer travel plans across the region.

A survey conducted for CAA South Central Ontario found 64 per cent of drivers planning a road trip this summer responded that current gas prices will impact their choices.

The most common ways that they will compensate for higher gas prices:

  • Reduce the distance traveled
  • Reduce the number of road trips
  • Adjust other expenses in their travel budget

The survey also found many road trippers intend to be more flexible with their departure dates, aiming to travel during periods when prices are trending lower.

Kaitlynn Furse with CAA South Central Ontario said its further evidence that $2 per liter is a psychological barrier that impacts driving decisions.

“We’ve been wondering, at what price does that start to make a difference for people, and now we’re able to definitively say $2 a liter seems to be that number,” explained Furse.

According to Furse, 76 per cent of those surveyed still plan to road trip this summer — even if they have to modify plans.

“I think no matter what, people are eager to get out on the road, and it is generally still cheaper than flying off somewhere,” she said.

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