Extreme poverty rate in Latin America increases to 13.8% between Covid-19: Cepal

Extreme poverty in Latin America is estimated at 86 million people during the pandemic, which implies a 27-year decline as a percentage of the population, in line with estimates by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal).

It means that the number of people in extreme poverty in the region, from 70 million in 2019 to 86 million in 2021.

In the interior of the Social Panorama of Cepal, launched from the seat of the Commission, in Santiago, Chile, it is stated that this deterrent in the conditions of the families’ result of the contraction of the staff provoked the confinement by the pandemic.

I understand that this destruction of labor costs is concentrated in the poorest wage earners and in the informality and relief of relief that has also been aggravated by the loss of the powerful asset that trafficking inflation.

In the presentation of the document, the executive secretary, Alicia Bárcena explained that the sanitary crisis and its impact on the levels of incarceration of the families affected in evidence the vulnerability in which the population lives in the middle strata of the population.

This fringe of the Latin American population of medium-term, has many levels of contribution to social protection and also suelen estar fuera de cobertura de social protection non contributive, es decir, a las publicencas public.

In the context of the abundant document on this topic, we note that the media of ingress in the societies of the region, logran access many times to the health, education and care services through the private sector and the cost of high levels of education.

Entons propose a fiscal pact with progression that venge accompanied by very concrete objectives to amplify social covertness haci a major conjunction of the population.

Transfers: an alivio that has no solution

Bárcena reconciles the efforts of the governors of the region to obtain monetary transfers in the emergence, but admits that no representative has a strategy of alivio to poverty.

Mexico’s case, which since the end of the pandemic increases effective transfers to the most vulnerable families, such as the major adults in 2019, and the government’s efforts to ensure that they are supported by 2024.

In agreement with the data on the entity, Mexico’s extreme poverty rate rose from 7.7% of the total in 2018 to 9.2% during the pandemic, which implies an increase of 1.5 percentage points.

Increases the population in poverty, increasing from 35.5% of total housing in 2018 to 37.4% by 2020.

In the last presentation of the report by Cepal from which Bárcena participated as Executive Secretary, I understand that this type of transfer will limit the number of people to levels of extreme poverty.

The functionary has called the governors of the region to maintain the monetary transfers while persisting in the sanitary crisis and to develop at different times strategies to increase public aggression and design greater social cohesion programs.

Economic weakness in aid

Bárcena habló entonces of the regional economic situation. However, the recovery of 2021 has not been sufficiently successful in mitigating the deep social and laborious effects of the pandemic.

For the case of Mexico, it is commented that in 2021 an arithmetic rebate of 5.8% was recorded, according to its estimates, which is lower than 6.1% which was forecast at the end of the year.

The greatest economic crisis is linked to the impetus of the United States’ export exports and the important fluctuation of refreshments.

But it is not a sustainable case and from this year onwards, it will start to reverse the habitual tendency of crime where the GDP can increase in 2.9 per cent.

Pocos paises pa la region consiguieron regressar in the 2021 to its levels pandemic and this tendency will be followed in the 2021, matizó.

Alicia Bárcena will attend her term in charge of the Executive Secretariat on March 31 and has been named by the President of Mexico to lead the Diplomatic Academy of the Government, the Instituto Matías Romero.

The Mexican official has been at the front of the Commission since July 1, 2008.

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