ERC calls Junts’ argument about the pact for Catalan in the classroom “lies”

  • Republicans deny proposal undermines language immersion

  • The PSC asserts that citizens prefer agreements that flee from “confrontation”

far from feeling intimidated by the reaction of the most irredentist space of the Catalan independence movement to the pact on the use of Catalan language in the classrooms, CKD It continues to prioritize the defense of the agreement and, at the same time, strikes at the political instability of Junts. Both because of the form and the substance of the post-convergence reconsideration of its support for the legislative proposal. Thus, the ERC spokeswoman, Martha Villalta, criticized, though without pointing directly to Junts, that, in the debate, they had poured “lies” on the objectives of the pact for language in education.

What the proposal does, he indicated, “is to overcome the logic of the percentages, because this is not our model, and to guarantee linguistic immersion”. “Nothing is being renounced, and we will not allow lies to be told”, Vilalta affirmed, referring to the arguments used by those around together and for those for whom the proposal dynamite linguistic immersion and gives much more room for Spanish. “Many barbarities have been said, and we do not pass through here,” said the Republican spokeswoman to express her outrage: “we deny these lies and we are sure that they do not help protect our language.”

And as for the form, that is, unchecking Junts after a bad afternoon in Twitter, The Republican has recalled that the proposal was also forged by the post-convergence ‘placet’, and although ERC does not want the processing to be delayed or stopped, it is willing to assess the amendments that this formation may present if they improve the text and do not compromise the consensus.

“We are willing to talk about the amendments but not to stop the processing procedure, nor do we want anyone get off the hook of the agreement”, he explained. What the proposal does, according to Vilalta, “is go beyond the logic of percentages, because this is not our model, and guarantee linguistic immersion”.

Marta Vilalta has also referred to the complaint of Citizens (Cs) before the prosecution for understanding that the Government does not apply the 25% judgment of classes in Spanish, and has pointed out that this party “does what it has always done since it was born, go against the Catalan language and try to contort and judicialize the language”.

The PSC also attacks Junts

The PSC He has charged harshly against JxCat this Monday for expressing doubts about the pact hours after signing it. The socialist spokesperson in Parliament, Alicia Romeroand the deputy secretary Lluisa Moret papers have been distributed. The first has criticized the volatility of Junts; the second, has urged that party to return to consensus.

In an interview on TVE, Romero has said that JxCat is not a sufficiently “strong” as to “endure criticism on Twitter & rdquor ;. “When there are four who shout and call them ‘botifers‘ They get scared and back down & rdquor ;, the socialist spokeswoman has confirmed.

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In your opinion, JxCat lacks “solidity and homogeneity”, lor that causes them to have to rectify constantly so that “nobody gets angry & rdquor ;. He has also charged against the “prejudices & rdquor; of the independence movement to accept that it can agree with the PSC. As for Moret, he has called JxCat to prioritize consensus over Catalan and “put the country’s interests first.”

“Beyond the reflections, and the internal debates that we all have, at this moment what the citizens touch and are claiming are these consensus that generate stability and who shun the confrontation”he has insisted, in line with what the PSC has defended since Salvador Illa took command of the party.

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