ERC and labor reform, by Joan Tardà

Every May 1, republicanism summons the militancy in front of the Barcelona monument the labor lawyer assassinated by the employer Francesc Layret to renew the commitment in favor of the conquests of the world of work. The affiliates linked to the union world and more sensitive to the social fact are concentrated. Since the 2012 PP labor reform, year after year, ERC has been renewing its will to repeal it. In fact, both that of 2010 initiated by the PSOE and approved with the abstention of CiU, which already opened the door to the possibility that a company would detach from a signed collective agreement, such as that of Mariano Rajoy, that Duran i Lleida applauded although the popular ones already enjoyed a majority, they entailed the assault on rights won by the working class, taken for granted by all a few years before. But the panic generated by the outbreak of the real estate crisis had offered the business community the opportunity to force the majority parties to legislate in favor of atomization of workers’ demands and the replacement of a good part of the destroyed job with a new one based on precariousness. A drift towards deregulation that did not find a brake, as evidenced by the demand in 2014 by the president of the CEOE Joan Rosell of the free dismissal without compensation during the first year of validity of an indefinite contract.

Republicanism, since it is not linked to any particular union due to the fact that different union currents coexist in it, remained firm in opposition to this neoliberal drift, actively participating in the successive calls for a general strike and in a notorious way, as evidenced by the presence of Oriol Junqueras himself in the first acts carried out at dawn on March 29, 2012 to encourage citizens to join it. And confrontation in the legislative chambers, as evidenced by the parliamentary work of the elected positions led by Jordi Salvador in the Congressional Labor Commission and by Jordi Albert, presenting a few weeks ago a successful initiative in the Parliament in favor of the repeal. Political actions backed by the support of both parliamentarians for so many groups in conflict.

The complaint directed at Yolanda Díaz made public by Gabriel Rufián having ignored ERC and other parliamentary groups during the nine months of negotiation with the social agents, they exposed the will of Pedro Sánchez to impose his project (“it would be incomprehensible if they tried to modify it & rdquor ;, were the words of some ministers), with the conviction that the signatory unions would already be in charge of pressuring enough to the political forces to eat the toad.

Contempt or ignorance on the part of the Spanish Government that has run into the trajectory of republicanism in terms of its position in the face of labor reforms, which will force it to assume the introduction of amendments through the processing of the royal decree as law already undertake not to fall into subsequent filibustering (very present on the day of Congress) such as the one that allows the majority of the table to choose to help the Government by postponing the beginning of the legislative process week by week.

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The reality is that the content of the text that they intend to be approved at the beginning of February continues to validate issues long publicized as unacceptable by ERC, among which the permanence of the mere presentation of a projection of loss of income or sales to justify dismissal, the withdrawal of jurisdiction from the Generalitat of the prior authorization before a collective dismissal and the reduction of the compensation for dismissal. In the same way that sufficient internal flexibility mechanisms are maintained to modify working conditions and cut wages, still today located below the level of 2008.

Republicanism has placed the bar where it belonged in coherence with its trajectory and, of course, aware that you also play a lot. From the self-esteem of the militancy committed to social struggles to the intensity of its social democratic ideology, through the reinforcement or weakening of your own majority building strategy independentists. Plausible accumulation of forces from the extreme defense of the world of work, made up today by a majority of people assigned to the new social class of the precariat, condemned to work to just pay the rent and keep the fridge half full, without whose political adherence, however, independence becomes a chimera.

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